Showing posts with label Book of 1 Kings. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Book of 1 Kings. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Color The Queen of Sheba Visiting Solomon's Court

Description of The Illustration: 1 Kings 10; 2 Chronicles 9. called the queen of the south, (Matt. 12:42, Luke 11:31) was, according to some queen of Arabia; but according to others, queen of Ethiopia. Josephus says, that Sheba was the ancient name of the city of Meroẽ, and that the queen, of whom we are speaking , came thence: which opinion has much prevailed

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Friday, February 11, 2022

Color Wild Gourd

The wild gourd with a whole fruit, and one in section.
Description of Botanical Coloring Page: The gourd is  a  poisonous  fruit  which  grew  on  a"wild  vine"  at  Gilgal  (2  Kings 4: 38-41). Elisha who traveled much over Palestine, had with him a company of the ''sons of the prophets,'' who, at his command, filled a pot with vegetables to prepare for themselves a pottage. One found a wild vine in a field, and collected the gourds growning on it. Not knowing what they were, and supposing that they were fit for the pot, he shred  them  in.  When  the  pottage  was  served  it was  found  to  be  poisonous,  and  on  appeal  to Elisha,  he  miraculously  made  the  pottage  harmless. The  plant  that  best  fits  this  narrative  is  the colocynth,  which  has  a  stem  creeping  along  the ground,  with  triangular  leaves,  and  long  straggling tendrils  like  the  vine.  The  fruit  is  round, of  a  tempting  appearance,  mottled  with  green on a yellow ground, but it's pulpy interior has a nauseous taste, bitter as gall. It is found in sandy places near the Mediterranean and the Dead Sea. To a student from Shunem or Bethel it would be an unknown but attractive fruit.
       It seems very probable that this is the plant called in Deut. 32:32 " the vine of Sodom," which bore "grapes of gall," and that the rosh frequently referred to in Scripture under the name of  "gall" was also the colocynth. The rosh was a poisonous plant (Deut. 29:18), from which was obtained "water of gall." The medical qualities of the colocynth pill are derived from a watery extract of the bitter pulp of this gourd.
       The gourd that protected Jonah was some climbing plant of the same order as the wild gourd, which grew rapidly, and perished as quickly (Jonah 4:6-10). It could not be the palm-crist or castor-oil plant, as that is not an arbor tree, and would not accord with the narrative.
       The knops (knobs) carved in cedar wood which ornamented Solomon's Temple were probably cut in the shape of the gourd, as suggested by the revisers in the marginal note to 1 Kings 6:18.

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Monday, January 31, 2022

Color The Pomegranate

Pomegranate. With  a  separate 
 fruit, and one  in  section. Click
to download the largest file.
Description of the Botanical Coloring Page: The pomegranate is one  of  the  favorite  fruits of  Egypt,  and  a  witness  of  the  goodness  of  the land  to  which  the  Jews  were  journeying  (Deuteronomy 8:  8).  It  was,  and  continues  to  be,  extensively cultivated  in  Palestine.  It  is  a  small  tree  from fifteen  to  twenty-five  feet  high,  with  oblong leaves,  scarlet  flowers,  and  round  fruit  the  size of  a  large  apple.    A  hard  rind  of  a  yellowish color  encloses  the  numerous  seeds,  which  are attached  to  a  white  membrane  that  is  extremely bitter.  Kach  seed  is  enclosed  in  a  cool,  delicious, red  pulp,  which  makes  the  pomegranate  a highly-valued  fruit  in  hot  countries.  The  hem of  the  high -priest's  robe  was  ornamented  with figures  of  pomegranates,  executed  in  blue, purple  and  scarlet,  and  alternating  with  golden bells  (Exodus 28: 33, 34).  The  pomegranate  was  employed for  the decorative  carving  on  the  capitals of  the  columns  of  the  porch  of  Solomon's  Temple (1  Kings  7: 18).  Rimmon,  the  Hebrew  word  for "pomegranate," is  found  in  the  names  of  several places  in  Palestine.

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Color the Fruit and Branches of The Olive Tree

The  wild  olive  (Rom.  11.  17)  yields  but  a 
and  inferior  fruit.  It  is  often  used  as
  a  stock 
on  which  to  engraft  the  better 
kinds. Click directly on the image to
download the largest file.
Description of Botanical Coloring Page: The olive  frequently  mentioned  in  Scripture,  is Still  extensively  cultivated  in  Palestine  because of  its  valuable  fruit.  The  olive  is  a  small  tree, seldom  being  more  than  twenty  feet  high.  It has  oblong  smooth  leaves,  which  are  whitish  underneath, and  small  white  flowers,  and  a  pulpy fruit  containing  a  hard  stone.  The  valuable  oil is  expressed  from  the  fruit.  The  tree  is  very slow  in  growth,  and  the  wood  is  finely  grained, of  a  rich  amber  color,  beautifully  clouded  and veined.  The  two  golden  cherubim  on  the  ark  of the  covenant  in  the  Temple  (1  Kings  6.  2.S),  the doors  of  the  oracle  (ver.  31)  and  the  doorposts of  the  Temple  were  made  of  it  (ver.  33).
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