Showing posts with label Egg Hunt. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Egg Hunt. Show all posts

Sunday, March 23, 2025

Bumble Bee Easter Eggs

An example of the second to largest pattern for fabric eggs.
follow the link below to download your own patterns.

        Read instructions and make an endless supply of fabric eggs in five different sizes! Above you can see my own versions of a large fabric egg and a very small one to hang on an Easter egg tree below. Both are made from honey sweet flannel fabric scraps. I also appliqued even more bumble bees cut from that same cloth to further exaggerate the bees on my eggs and tacked on lace ''wings'' as well.
More fun bee hive crafts for little ones...

Three different sides of the same bumble bee Easter egg.

The smallest egg size you can make from the 5 egg size pattern is just right for
hanging on delicate branches. Here it is balanced on the edge of a skep hive.

Sew a few vintage velvet carrots to display among your eggs...

Fresh looking Easter arrangement of eggs and carrots inside
 of a wire basket lined with a biscuit linen cover.

       Nestled among the green and white Easter eggs are a few vintage velvet carrots made from a simple free pattern, scraps of left-over textiles and olive silk tassels. Find the veggie patterns here, download and read how to make them.

More Carrot Crafts for Easter:

Friday, March 21, 2025

Color The Heavens on Easter Eggs!

       These heavenly looking Easter eggs are first colored while hot and then dipped in food color once they have cooled down. Go to our Easter blog for detailed instructions and more photos of our results!

Use older crayons with intense pigment from Crayola to get the nicest results...

Thursday, March 20, 2025

Learn about Ukrainian inspired Easter eggs...

       Above are just a few of our jewel-toned, intricately painted Pysanky eggs. You can visit our Easter blog to discover the history behind the delightful egg painting traditions in the country where Pysanky have always been painted, the Ukraine. Below is a famous book about Pysanky by Patricia Polacco that many children in the United States read together along with their families and churches during Easter celebrations.

LeVar Burton presents "Rechenka's Eggs" all 
about Ukrainian painted eggs.. 

How to craft faux chocolate eggs for your egg tree...

Fake chocolatey eggs, bunnies and flowers adorn these homemade eggs hanging from pussy willow branches.

       These decorated cardboard eggs look good enough to eat! But, don't even try unless your looking for a good excuse to visit the dentist! Read how to craft faux chocolates at the our Easter blog to make some just like these if you wish...

Saturday, February 6, 2016

Easter Eggs for You To Color

Description of The Coloring Page: I've drawn a selection of Easter eggs for children to color!
Don't forget to drag the png. or jpg into a Word Document and enlarge the image as much as possible before printing it folks. If you have a question about this coloring page, just type into the comment box located directly below this post and I'll try to get back to you as soon as I can.