Showing posts with label Kings and Queens. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kings and Queens. Show all posts

Friday, March 14, 2025

Cross and Crown Mosaic Design

Coloring Page Description: cross and crown adult coloring page, mosaic tile, offices of Christ

The threefold office (Latin: munus triplex) of Jesus Christ is a Christian doctrine based upon the teachings of the Old Testament of which Christians hold different views. It was described by Eusebius and more fully developed by John Calvin. 

Don't forget to drag the png. into a Word Document an enlarge the image as much as possible before printing it folks. If you have a question about this adult coloring page, just type into the comment box located directly below this post and I'll try to get back to you as soon as I can.

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Color The Queen of Sheba Visiting Solomon's Court

Description of The Illustration: 1 Kings 10; 2 Chronicles 9. called the queen of the south, (Matt. 12:42, Luke 11:31) was, according to some queen of Arabia; but according to others, queen of Ethiopia. Josephus says, that Sheba was the ancient name of the city of Meroẽ, and that the queen, of whom we are speaking , came thence: which opinion has much prevailed

Don't forget to drag the png. or jpg into a Word Document and enlarge the image as much as possible before printing it folks. If you have a question about this coloring page, just type into the comment box located directly below this post and I'll try to get back to you as soon as I can.

Tuesday, February 8, 2022

Color Christ On His Throne

Description of Coloring Page: Jesus seated on His Heavenly Throne, the blessing of the second person of the Holy Trinity in His raised hand, the Bible on Christ's knee, the halo with the Cross of Christ marking the blood atonement paid the the Mercy Seat for humanity, decorative patterns "After this I saw a vast crowd, too great to count, from every nation and tribe and people and language, standing in front of the throne and before the Lamb. They were clothed in white robes and held palm branches in their hands. And they were shouting with a great roar, “Salvation comes from our God who sits on the throne and from the Lamb!” Revelation 7: 9-10

Don't forget to drag the png. or jpg into a Word Document and enlarge the image as much as possible before printing it folks. If you have a question about this coloring page, just type into the comment box located directly below this post and I'll try to get back to you as soon as I can.

Monday, December 21, 2020

David, as a shepherd boy coloring page...

Description of The Coloring Page: scripture reference from the Book of 1 Samuel, But the LORD said to Samuel, "Do not look at his appearance or at his physical stature, because I have refused him. For the LORD does not see as man sees; for man looks at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart." 1 Samuel 16:7, shepherd boy, harp, sheep, lambs, sandals, King David as a small boy

Don't forget to drag the png. or jpg into a Word Document and enlarge the image as much as possible before printing it folks. If you have a question about this coloring page, just type into the comment box located directly below this post and I'll try to get back to you as soon as I can.

Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Pharoah's Dream Interpreted Coloring Page

Description of Coloring Page: Pharoah tells Joseph his dream, dream interpretation, oxen, plenty and poverty, Egyptians, Egyptian court, Joseph interprets dreams

Don't forget to drag the png. or jpg into a Word Document and enlarge the image as much as possible before printing it folks. If you have a question about this coloring page, just type into the comment box located directly below this post and I'll try to get back to you as soon as I can.

Friday, February 3, 2017

The Kingdom of God Revealed

Description of The Coloring Page: "The King then commanded to open the Gate." angels, trumpets, clouds, The Mercy Seat of God, Jesus as King of Heaven

"And I saw heaven opened, and behold, a white horse, and He who sat on it is called Faithful and True, and in righteousness He judges and wages war. " Revelation 19:11

"Drip down, O heavens, from above, And let the clouds pour down righteousness; Let the earth open up and salvation bear fruit, And righteousness spring up with it. I, the LORD, have created it." Isaiah 45:8

"After these things I looked, and behold, a door standing open in heaven, and the first voice which I had heard, like the sound of a trumpet speaking with me, said, "Come up here, and I will show you what must take place after these things."  Revelation 4:1
Don't forget to drag the png. or jpg into a Word Document and enlarge the image as much as possible before printing it folks. If you have a question about this adult coloring page, just type into the comment box located directly below this post and I'll try to get back to you as soon as I can. 

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Jesus Is King of Angels Coloring Page

Description of The Coloring Page: Greek Orthodox tradition, Jesus as an infant, star, angels, Greek Orthodox, swords, wings, writing

Don't forget to drag the png. or jpg into a Word Document and enlarge the image as much as possible before printing it folks. If you have a question about this adult coloring page, just type into the comment box located directly below this post and I'll try to get back to you as soon as I can.

Xerxes the great king on his throne...

Description of The Coloring Page: Xerxes I (/ˈzɜːrksz/; Old Persian: 𐎧𐏁𐎹𐎠𐎼𐏁𐎠 x-š-y-a-r-š-a (Khashayarsha) "ruling over heroes", Greek Ξέρξης [ksérksɛːs]; 518–465 BC), called Xerxes the Great, was the fourth king of kings of the Achaemenid dynasty of Persia. He ruled from 486 BC until his assassination in 465 BC at the hands of Artabanus, the commander of the royal bodyguard. Read more...

Don't forget to drag the png. or jpg into a Word Document and enlarge the image as much as possible before printing it folks. If you have a question about this coloring page, just type into the comment box located directly below this post and I'll try to get back to you as soon as I can.

Sunday, July 31, 2016

The Crown of Life

"Blessed is the one who perseveres under trial because, having
stood the test, that person will receive the crown of life that the
 Lord has promised to those who love him." James 1:12

Description of Coloring Page: crown, gems, scripture, patterns

Don't forget to drag the png. or jpg into a Word Document an enlarge the image as much as possible before printing it folks. If you have a question about this adult coloring page, just type into the comment box located directly below this post and I'll try to get back to you as soon as I can.

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Glass-Painting from Cathedral at Ratisbon

Drawn from stained glass window at Cathedral in Ratisbon.

Description of Coloring Page: stained glass window, leaf designs, royal robes, crown of live, flower

Don't forget to drag the png. or jpg into a Word Document an enlarge the image as much as possible before printing it folks. If you have a question about this adult coloring page, just type into the comment box located directly below this post and I'll try to get back to you as soon as I can.

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Here is An Ancient Egyptian Princess for You To Color

Description of The Coloring Page: ancient  Egyptian princess, headdress, jewelry, torso, arm and hand, eye makeup
Don't forget to drag the png. or jpg into a Word Document and enlarge the image as much as possible before printing it folks. If you have a question about this coloring page, just type into the comment box located directly below this post and I'll try to get back to you as soon as I can.

Saturday, March 19, 2016

The Royal Crown of Thorns

Click to enlarge.

Description of Coloring Page: thorns, halo, beard, portrait of Jesus, fancy graphic frame, 

"and twisting together a crown of thorns, they put it on his head and put a reed in his right hand. And kneeling before him, they mocked him, saying, “Hail, King of the Jews!” Matthew 27:29 ESV

"And the soldiers twisted together a crown of thorns and put it on his head and arrayed him in a purple robe." John 19:2 ESV
Don't forget to drag the png. or jpg into a Word Document and enlarge the image as much as possible before printing it folks. If you have a question about this adult coloring page, just type into the comment box located directly below this post and I'll try to get back to you as soon as I can.

Monday, January 11, 2016

Color This Assyrian King and Queen

Description of The Coloring Page: ancient Assyrian royalty and courtiers, thrones, king and queen, Assyria, ancient Biblical topics

Don't forget to drag the png. or jpg into a Word Document and enlarge the image as much as possible before printing it folks. If you have a question about this coloring page, just type into the comment box located directly below this post and I'll try to get back to you as soon as I can.

Discover Christian Symbolism in Coloring Pages:

Monday, December 21, 2015

Color This Bust of An Egyptian King

Description of The Coloring Page: ancient Egyptian court life, ancient Egypt, headdress, Pharoah,

Don't forget to drag the png. or jpg into a Word Document and enlarge the image as much as possible before printing it folks. If you have a question about this coloring page, just type into the comment box located directly below this post and I'll try to get back to you as soon as I can.

More Bible Inspired Coloring Pages About:

Monday, December 14, 2015

King David Playing Bells

Description of Coloring Page: playing the bells, from a 14th Century MS, crown wooden chair, bell hammer

Don't forget to drag the png. or jpg into a Word Document and enlarge the image as much as possible before printing it folks. If you have a question about this coloring page, just type into the comment box located directly below this post and I'll try to get back to you as soon as I can.

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Thursday, December 10, 2015

Trace, Shade or Paint Saint Ferdinand

Description of The Digital Coloring Page: I have made a "digital tracing" based upon this antique illustration (right). Teachers or parents may choose to show their students/children the color version and talk about the story in connection with the illustration included in this post. Students may look at the original sample in order to practice watercolor or colored pencil techniques on top of the greyscale version.
Click on image to see larger.

Description of Illustration: royal palace interior, crown, king, sovereignty, sword, emblems, lion
       Ferdinand III (1199 or 1201 – 30 May 1252) was King of Castile from 1217 and King of León from 1230 as well as King of Galicia from 1231. He was the son of Alfonso IX of León and Berenguela of Castile. Through his second marriage he was also Count of Aumale. Ferdinand III was one of the most successful kings of Castile, securing not only the permanent union of the crowns of Castile and León, but also masterminding the most expansive campaign of Reconquista yet.
       By military and diplomatic efforts, Ferdinand greatly expanded the dominions of Castile into southern Spain, annexing many of the great old cities of al-Andalus, including the old Andalusian capitals of Córdoba and Seville, and establishing the boundaries of the Castilian state for the next two centuries.
       Ferdinand was canonized in 1671 by Pope Clement X and, in Spanish, he is known as Fernando el Santo, San Fernando or San Fernando Rey. Places such as San Fernando, Pampanga, and the San Fernando de Dilao Church in Paco, Manila in the Philippines, and in California, San Fernando City and the San Fernando Valley, were named for him and placed under his patronage. Read more . . .
Have a question about the illustration or coloring page? Just type it in the comment box and I'll get back to you as soon as possible. I only publish content that is closely related to the subject folks.

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Tuesday, December 1, 2015

King Nebuchadnezzar Is Confronted

"They Do Not Serve Your Gods."
Description of Coloring Page: Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego cast into the fiery furnace by Nebuchadnezzar because they refused to worship any god other then Jehovah, the priests seen slandering the Jewish captives in front of king Nebuchadnezzar

Don't forget to drag the png. or jpg into a Word Document and enlarge the image as much as possible before printing it folks. If you have a question about this coloring page, just type into the comment box located directly below this post and I'll try to get back to you as soon as I can.

Thursday, November 26, 2015

Crown With Cross

Description of Coloring Page: Christian crown, gem stones, precious pearls, diamonds, royalty

Don't forget to drag the png. or jpg into a Word Document and enlarge the image as much as possible before printing it folks. If you have a question about coloring page, just type into the comment box located directly below this post and I'll try to get back to you as soon as I can.

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

King David Plays His Harp

Description of Coloring Page: King David of the Bible was very musically talented, Book of Psalms are attributed to his court, man after God's own heart, use very fine tipped markers to color this image

Don't forget to drag the png. or jpg into a Word Document and enlarge the image as much as possible before printing it folks. If you have a question about this adult coloring page, just type into the comment box located directly below this post and I'll try to get back to you as soon as I can.

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

The True King's Crown

Description of Coloring Page: The True King, Jesus, wears His crown of thorns

Don't forget to drag the png. or jpg into a Word Document and enlarge the image as much as possible before printing it folks. If you have a question about this adult coloring page, just type into the comment box located directly below this post and I'll try to get back to you as soon as I can.