The man that overtook you, was Moses. He spareth none, neither knoweth
he how to shew mercy to those that transgress his Law. |
Description of The Coloring Page: Moses holds the law, Jesus Defends Faith with Mercy, a battle between The Law and The Gospel in Pilgrim's Progress
Faith describes to Christian - "But good Brother her me out: So soon as the Man overtook me, he was but a word and a blow: for down he knockt me, and laid me for dead. But when I was a little come to myself again, I asked him wherefore he served me so? he said, Because of my secret inclining to Adam the first; and with that, he strook me another deadly blow on the breast, and beat me down backward, so I lay at his foot as dead as before. So when I came to myself again, I cried him mercy but he said, I know not how to show mercy, and with that knockt me down again, He doubtless made an end of me, but that one came by, and bid him forbear."
Christian asks - "Who was that, that bid him forbear?"
Faith answers - "I did not know him at first, but as he went by, I perceived the holes in his hands, and his side; then I concluded that he was our Lord. So I went up the Hill.
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