Showing posts with label The Gospel of Luke. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Gospel of Luke. Show all posts

Sunday, January 23, 2022

Jesus in the temple with his elders coloring page

Description of The Coloring Page: The WOG coloring pages are from India. These have been dedicated to the children of the internet by this ministry. The collection was compiled by Yesudas Solomon in 2020 at, you may contact them at to ask about these particular resources. The scripture reference here is from the Gospel of Luke 2:41-52

Don't forget to drag the png. or jpg into a Word Document and enlarge the image as much as possible before printing it folks. If you have a question about this coloring page, just type into the comment box located directly below this post and I'll try to get back to you as soon as I can.

Jesus is Born Coloring Page

Description of The Coloring Page: The WOG coloring pages are from India. These have been dedicated to the children of the internet by this ministry. The collection was compiled by Yesudas Solomon in 2020 at, you may contact them at to ask about these particular resources. The scripture reference here is from the book of Galatians 4:4, John 3:16, John 1:9-4, Luke 1: 46-55, Luke 1: 39-45, Matthew 1:23, Jeremiah 23:5, Isaiah 11:1 and 7:14, Zechariah 9:9, Isaiah 53: 3-7, baby Jesus, Joseph and Mary, lamb, horse, stall, hay, manger, guiding star

Don't forget to drag the png. or jpg into a Word Document and enlarge the image as much as possible before printing it folks. If you have a question about this coloring page, just type into the comment box located directly below this post and I'll try to get back to you as soon as I can.

Saturday, January 22, 2022

Color the parable of the wise and foolish builders...

Description of The Coloring Page: The WOG coloring pages are from India. These have been dedicated to the children of the internet by this ministry. The collection was compiled by Yesudas Solomon in 2020 at, you may contact them at to ask about these particular resources.

The scripture reference here is from the Gospel of  Matthew, Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 7:24-27) and also in the Sermon on the Plain, (Luke 6:46-49)

Don't forget to drag the png. or jpg into a Word Document and enlarge the image as much as possible before printing it folks. If you have a question about this coloring page, just type into the comment box located directly below this post and I'll try to get back to you as soon as I can.

Thursday, January 20, 2022

Color this man saluting a house...

Description of Coloring Page: entering into a house of believers, door, pots for washing, scripture reference is "And when ye come into an house, salute it." Matthew 10:12 and "Peace be with thee -- Peace be to this house" Luke 10:5 and Matthew 12:25 and John 4:53, also 1 Peter 2:12-25 and 3:8-11; Philippians 4:8 and model salutation Luke 10:4-5
Don't forget to drag the png. or jpg into a Word Document and enlarge the image as much as possible before printing it folks. If you have a question about this coloring page, just type into the comment box located directly below this post and I'll try to get back to you as soon as I can.

Monday, January 17, 2022

Color the lost son...

Description of Coloring Page:
 The Parable of the Prodigal Son (also known as the parable of the Two Brothers, Lost Son, Loving Father, or of the Forgiving Father) is one of the parables of Jesus in the Bible, appearing in Luke 15:11–32. Jesus shares the parable with his disciples, the Pharisees and others.

In the story, a father has two sons. The younger son asks for his portion of inheritance from his father, who grants his son's request. This son, however, is prodigal (i.e., wasteful and extravagant), thus squandering his fortune and eventually becoming destitute. As consequence, he now must return home empty-handed and intend to beg his father to accept him back as a servant. To the son's surprise, he is not scorned by his father but is welcomed back with celebration and a welcoming party. Envious, the older son refuses to participate in the festivities. The father tells the older son: "you are ever with me, and all that I have is yours, but thy younger brother was lost and now he is found."

The Prodigal Son is the third and final parable of a cycle on redemption, following the parable of the Lost Sheep and the parable of the Lost Coin. In Revised Common Lectionary and Roman Rite Catholic Lectionary, this parable is read on the fourth Sunday of Lent (in Year C); in the latter it is also included in the long form of the Gospel on the 24th Sunday of Ordinary Time in Year C, along with the preceding two parables of the cycle. In the Eastern Orthodox Church it is read on the Sunday of the Prodigal Son. 

Don't forget to drag the png. or jpg into a Word Document and enlarge the image as much as possible before printing it folks. If you have a question about this coloring page, just type into the comment box located directly below this post and I'll try to get back to you as soon as I can.

Another Good Samaritan Coloring Page...

Description of Coloring Page:
 donkey, Samaritan, wounded and robbed man, desert, caring for your neighbors, parable of Jesus

Jesus replies with a story:

Jesus answered, "A certain man was going down from Jerusalem to Jericho, and he fell among robbers, who both stripped him and beat him, and departed, leaving him half dead. By chance a certain priest was going down that way. When he saw him, he passed by on the other side. In the same way a Levite also, when he came to the place, and saw him, passed by on the other side. But a certain Samaritan, as he travelled, came where he was. When he saw him, he was moved with compassion, came to him, and bound up his wounds, pouring on oil and wine. He set him on his own animal, and brought him to an inn, and took care of him. On the next day, when he departed, he took out two denarii, gave them to the host, and said to him, 'Take care of him. Whatever you spend beyond that, I will repay you when I return.' Now which of these three do you think seemed to be a neighbor to him who fell among the robbers?"

He said, "He who showed mercy on him."

Then Jesus said to him, "Go and do likewise."

— Luke 10:30–37, World English Bible
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Color Jesus as he sends out his disciples two by two

Description of Coloring Page:
 "Calling the Twelve to him, he began to send them out two by two and gave them authority over impure spirits." Mark 6:7 also in Luke 10:1
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Color the wild man in the cemetery...

Description of Coloring Page: The earliest account is from the Gospel of Mark (Mark 5:1–20), in which Jesus goes across the sea into the "region of the Gerasenes". There, a man "possessed by a demon" comes from the caves to meet him. People had tried to tie him down but he was too strong to be bound, even with chains for he would always break out of them; night and day among the tombs and in the hills he would cry out and cut himself with stones. Jesus approaches and calls the demon to come out of the man, who replies "What do you want with me, Jesus, Son of the Most High God? I beg you in the name of God never to torment me!" Jesus asks the demon for his name and is told "My name is Legion, for we are many". The demons beg Jesus not to send them away, but instead to send them into the pigs on a nearby hillside, which he does. The herd, about two thousand in number, rush down the steep bank into the sea and are drowned. The man is now seen, dressed and restored to sanity: he asks to be included among the disciples who travel with Jesus, but he is refused and instructed to remain in the Decapolis region, to tell of "the great things the Lord has done ... and [how he] has had compassion on you". Theologian Tom Wright calls him "the first apostle to the gentiles".
Don't forget to drag the png. or jpg into a Word Document and enlarge the image as much as possible before printing it folks. If you have a question about this coloring page, just type into the comment box located directly below this post and I'll try to get back to you as soon as I can.

Color this farmer as he plants seed...

Description of Coloring Page: the farmer, planting seed, parable of the sower - The Parable of the Sower (sometimes called the Parable of the Soils) is a parable of Jesus found in Matthew 13:1–23, Mark 4:1–20, Luke 8:4–15 and the extra-canonical Gospel of Thomas.

Jesus tells of a farmer who sows seed indiscriminately. Some seed falls on the path (wayside) with no soil, some on rocky ground with little soil, some on soil which contains thorns, and some on good soil. In the first case, the seed is taken away; in the second and third soils, the seed fails to produce a crop; but when it falls on good soil, it grows and yields thirty-, sixty-, or a hundred-fold.

Jesus later explains to his disciples that the seed represents the Gospel, the sower represents anyone who proclaims it, and the various soils represent people's responses to it.

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Color Jesus as he calls Matthew to follow him...

Description of Coloring Page: Jesus call Matthew, "As Jesus went on from there, he saw a man named Matthew sitting at the tax collector’s booth. “Follow me,” he told him, and Matthew got up and followed him." Matthew 9:9, camels, tax collector's booth, village, town buildings
Don't forget to drag the png. or jpg into a Word Document and enlarge the image as much as possible before printing it folks. If you have a question about this coloring page, just type into the comment box located directly below this post and I'll try to get back to you as soon as I can.

Wednesday, October 13, 2021

Color Christ Blessing The Loaves

Description of The Coloring Page: Jesus blessing the 5 loaves and 2 fishes, Feeding the multitudes from just one lunch belonging to a small generous boy. Miracle, figure of Jesus with blessing hand

Don't forget to drag the png. or jpg into a Word Document and enlarge the image as much as possible before printing it folks. If you have a question about this coloring page, just type into the comment box located directly below this post and I'll try to get back to you as soon as I can.

Friday, May 10, 2019

Color The Prodigal Son

Description of The Coloring Page: the disappointed, wayward, prodigal son, pigs, swine, eating, lost, 

Bible Reference: Luke chapter 15: 11-32
More About The Prodigal Son:
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Thursday, May 9, 2019

Hiding Treasure In The Earth Coloring Page

Description of The Coloring Page: a servant hides his master's treasure in the earth, shovel, distant town, dirt, unprofitable steward

Parable of the Three Servants: Found in Matthew 25:14-40 and Luke 19:12-27

The "Parable of the Talents", in Matthew 25:14–30 tells of a master who was leaving his house to travel, and, before leaving, entrusted his property to his servants. According to the abilities of each man, one servant received five talents, the second servant received two talents, and the third servant received one talent. The property entrusted to the three servants was worth 8 talents, where a talent was a significant amount of money. Upon returning home, after a long absence, the master asks his three servants for an account of the talents he entrusted to them. The first and the second servants explain that they each put their talents to work, and have doubled the value of the property with which they were entrusted; each servant was rewarded:
His master answered, 'Well done, good and faithful slave! You have been faithful with a few things. I will put you in charge of many things. Enter into the joy of your master.'
— Matthew 25:23, New English Translation
The third servant, however, had merely hidden his talent, had buried it in the ground, and was punished by his master:
Then the one who had received the one talent came and said, 'Sir, I knew that you were a hard man, harvesting where you did not sow, and gathering where you did not scatter seed, so I was afraid, and I went and hid your talent in the ground. See, you have what is yours.' But his master answered, 'Evil and lazy servant! So you knew that I harvest where I didn't sow and gather where I didn't scatter? Then you should have deposited my money with the bankers, and on my return I would have received my money back with interest! Therefore take the talent from him and give it to the one who has ten. For the one who has will be given more, and he will have more than enough. But the one who does not have, even what he has will be taken from him. And throw that worthless slave into the outer darkness, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.'
— Matthew 25:24–30, New English Translation
Don't forget to drag the png. or jpg into a Word Document and enlarge the image as much as possible before printing it folks. If you have a question about this coloring page, just type into the comment box located directly below this post and I'll try to get back to you as soon as I can.

Thursday, December 13, 2018

Color The Visitation

Description of Coloring Page: Mary and Elizabeth meet with Christ and John The Baptist in their wombs, architecture

The Visitation is the visit of Mary to Elizabeth as recorded in the Gospel of Luke, Luke 1:39–56. It is also the name of a Christian feast day commemorating this visit, celebrated on 31 May in the West (2 July in calendars of the 1263–1969 period, and in the modern regional calendar of some countries whose bishops' conferences wanted to retain the original date, notably Germany and Slovakia) and 30 March among Eastern Christians.  Read More...

Don't forget to drag the png. or jpg into a Word Document and enlarge the image as much as possible before printing it folks. If you have a question about this coloring page, just type into the comment box located directly below this post and I'll try to get back to you as soon as I can.

Friday, December 7, 2018

The Gingerbread Angel "Peace Among Men"

Nostalgic gingerbread of the Christmas story by kathy grimm
Description of Coloring Page:  This gingerbread angel is a part of a larger collection of Christmas coloring pages by kathy grimm , candy decorations, gingerbread cookies in Christmas shapes: clouds, stars, angel, piped icing, pillow candies, sweet tarts, ginger bread wings and halo, text in icing reads "peace among men"

Bible Reference - “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace to men on whom His favor rests!” Luke 2:14 (Berean Study Bible)
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 "Peace On Earth" by Casting Crowns

Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Color The Mocking of Christ

A small panel from the larger work,
Read more about Duccio's work.
Description of Coloring Page: Jesus before Caiaphas, spears, staffs, spitting, unrighteous judgement, Roman court, Peter denies Christ on the far left when woman recognizes him as a follower of Jesus, rooster crows, Jesus bound, by Duccio

       The mocking of Jesus occurred several times, after his trial and before his crucifixion according to the canonical gospels of the New Testament. It is considered part of Jesus' passion.
       According to the gospel narratives, Jesus had predicted that he would be mocked (Matthew 20:19, Mark 10:34, and Luke 18:32). The mocking of Christ took place in three stages: immediately following his trial, immediately following his condemnation by Pontius Pilate, and when he was being crucified.

       Don't forget to drag the png. or jpg into a Word Document and enlarge the image as much as possible before printing it folks. If you have a question about this coloring page, just type into the comment box located directly below this post and I'll try to get back to you as soon as I can.

Entry Into Jerusalem (Sarcophagus)

Description of The Coloring Page: donkey, sculpture, Jesus rides a donkey, disciple, garments at Jesus' feet

       In the accounts of the four canonical Gospels, Jesus' triumphal entry into Jerusalem takes place in the days before the Last Supper, marking the beginning of his Passion.
       Crowds gather around Jesus and believe in him in John 12:9-11 after he raised Lazarus from the dead, and the next day the multitudes that had gathered for the feast in Jerusalem welcome Jesus as he enters Jerusalem.
       In Matthew 21:1-11, Mark 11:1-11, Luke 19:28-44, and John 12:12-19, Jesus descends from the Mount of Olives towards Jerusalem, and the crowds lay their clothes on the ground to welcome him as he triumphantly enters Jerusalem.
       Christians celebrate Jesus' entry into Jerusalem as Palm Sunday, a week before Easter Sunday.

Don't forget to drag the png. or jpg into a Word Document and enlarge the image as much as possible before printing it folks. If you have a question about this coloring page, just type into the comment box located directly below this post and I'll try to get back to you as soon as I can.

Monday, March 26, 2018

Agony In The Garden coloring page

Description of The Coloring Page: by Gaudenjsio Ferrari, Christ prays in the Garden while his disciples fall asleep, an angel appears to Jesus to give him comfort, Gethsemane, angel, Sacrament, the cup of suffering,

"And going a little farther he fell on his face and prayed, saying, “My Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me; nevertheless, not as I will, but as you will.” Matthew 26:39

The Agony in the Garden of Gethsemane refers to the events in the life of Jesus as recorded in the New Testament, between the Farewell Discourse at the conclusion of the Last Supper and Jesus' arrest. Read more...

Gaudenzio Ferrari, Stories of life and passion of Christ, fresco, 1513, Church of Santa Maria delle Grazie, Varallo Sesia (VC), Italy. Above, I have drawn a white frame around the panel depicted by the coloring page.
Don't forget to drag the png. or jpg into a Word Document and enlarge the image as much as possible before printing it folks. If you have a question about this coloring page, just type into the comment box located directly below this post and I'll try to get back to you as soon as I can.

Saturday, February 17, 2018

"Make Merry, And Be Glad" primer coloring page

Description of The Coloring Page: scripture, "Make Merry, And Be Glad" Luke 15:32, girl plays with a hoop and stick, hillside 

The characteristics of primer coloring pages designed to teach children from ages 1-7:
  • Large, typeface/font, often all Capitals or all Lower Case letters are used separately in primer coloring pages.
  • Letters used may also be colored, this helps the child to remember each letter's shape.
  • Pictures are very simply drawn.
  • Primarily objects and people are used to illustrate ideas, although patterns are included in fewer examples.
  • Generous spacing between the drawn elements is included so that children who have trouble coloring will still be able to color between these elements.
  • Generous spacing also provides young children the opportunity to practice coloring more because it takes them longer to fill in the space.
  • Very simple and short memory verses are frequently used in Bible primer pages.
The Sunday School Lesson included with the primer coloring page:
Lesson 9. PLAYTIME
Luke 15:32 and Zechariah 8:5
Memory Verse:
"We thank Thee for our work and play
That comes to us from day to day;
Help us to be both kind and true,
In everything we try to do."

Note to Parents. Share and teach children how to explore their world with curiosity and confidence.
Don't forget to drag the png. or jpg into a Word Document and enlarge the image as much as possible before printing it folks. If you have a question about this coloring page, just type into the comment box located directly below this post and I'll try to get back to you as soon as I can.

Friday, February 16, 2018

"He Hath Filled The Hungry..." primer coloring page

Description of The Coloring Page: scripture, "He Hath Filled The Hungry With Good Things" Luke  1:53, bread, wheat stalks

The characteristics of primer coloring pages designed to teach children from ages 1-7:
  • Large, typeface/font, often all Capitals or all Lower Case letters are used separately in primer coloring pages.
  • Letters used may also be colored, this helps the child to remember each letter's shape.
  • Pictures are very simply drawn.
  • Primarily objects and people are used to illustrate ideas, although patterns are included in fewer examples.
  • Generous spacing between the drawn elements is included so that children who have trouble coloring will still be able to color between these elements.
  • Generous spacing also provides young children the opportunity to practice coloring more because it takes them longer to fill in the space.
  • Very simple and short memory verses are frequently used in Bible primer pages.
The Sunday School Lesson included with the primer coloring page:
Lesson 7. FOOD TO EAT
Luke 1:53
  1. The world is full of good things which God has given us to eat. Make a list of fruits.
  2. Make a list of vegetables.
  3. Draw a picture of an apple and color it with a red crayon.
Memory Verse:
"For health and home and food beside,
To Him our thanks we'll give;
'Tis God our Father doth provide
These blessings we receive."

Note to Parents. Share with your children how wheat is made into bread during the week. Let them prepare some simple food for the table.
Don't forget to drag the png. or jpg into a Word Document and enlarge the image as much as possible before printing it folks. If you have a question about this coloring page, just type into the comment box located directly below this post and I'll try to get back to you as soon as I can.