Saturday, February 26, 2022



God! - What a great and holy name!
Oh! who can speak His worth?  
By saints in heaven He is adored,  
Obeyed by men on earth
And yet a little child may bend
And say: "My Father and my Friend."

The glorious sun, which blazes high,
The moon, more pale and dim.
And all the stars which fill the sky,
Are made and ruled by Him:
And yet a child may ask His care.
And call upon His name in prayer.

And this large world of ours below,
The waters and the land,
And all the trees and flowers that grow,
Were fashioned by His hand;
Yes, - and He forms our infant race,
And even I may seek His face.

Color Adam and Eve Learning To Farm

Description of The Coloring Page: The WOG coloring pages are from India. These have been dedicated to the children of the internet by this ministry. The collection was compiled by Yesudas Solomon in 2020 at, you may contact them at to ask about these particular resources. The scripture reference is about Adam and Eve needing to work the soil, to farm in order to eat after the fall from paradise. Genesis 3.

Don't forget to drag the png. or jpg into a Word Document and enlarge the image as much as possible before printing it folks. If you have a question about this coloring page, just type into the comment box located directly below this post and I'll try to get back to you as soon as I can.

I Have A Home


I have a home in which to live,
A bed to rest upon.
Good food to eat, and fire to warm.
And raiment to put on.

Kind parents, full of gentle love,
Brothers and sisters, too.
With many faithful, loving friends,
Who teach me what to do.

How many little children have
No food, nor clothes to wear.
No house, nor home, nor parents kind,
To guide them by their care.

For all Thy bounty, my God,
May I be grateful found.
And ever show my love to Thee,
By loving all around.

Like Jesus


I want to be like Jesus,
So lowly and so meek;
For no one marked an angry word,
Whoever heard him speak.

I want to be like Jesus,
So frequently in prayer;
Alone upon the mountain top,
He met his Father there.

I want to be like Jesus:
I never, never find,
That he, though persecuted, was
To any one unkind.

I want to be like Jesus,
Engaged in doing good;
So that of me it may be said,
I have done what I could.

Color Adam and Eve Happy Together

Description of The Coloring Page: The WOG coloring pages are from India. These have been dedicated to the children of the internet by this ministry. The collection was compiled by Yesudas Solomon in 2020 at, you may contact them at to ask about these particular resources. The scripture reference is about Adam and Eve living in peace and harmony with God, each other and animals.

Don't forget to drag the png. or jpg into a Word Document and enlarge the image as much as possible before printing it folks. If you have a question about this coloring page, just type into the comment box located directly below this post and I'll try to get back to you as soon as I can.

Summer Time


I love to hear the little birds
That carol on the trees;
I love the gentle, murmuring stream;
I love the evening breeze.

I love to hear the busy hum
Of honey-making bee,
And learn a lesson, - hard to learn,  
Of patient industry.

I love to think of Him who made
Those pleasant things for me.
Who gave me life, and health, and strength,
And eyes, that I might see.

The child who raises, morn and eve.
In prayer its tiny voice,
Who grieves whene'er its parents grieve,
And joys when they rejoice, -

In whose bright eyes young genius glows,
Whose heart, without a blot,
Is fresh and pure as summer's rose, -
That child's a sunny spot.  

Adam and Eve care for animals coloring page

Description of The Coloring Page: The WOG coloring pages are from India. These have been dedicated to the children of the internet by this ministry. The collection was compiled by Yesudas Solomon in 2020 at, you may contact them at to ask about these particular resources. The scripture reference is about Adam and Eve, animals, Garden of Eden, paradise

Don't forget to drag the png. or jpg into a Word Document and enlarge the image as much as possible before printing it folks. If you have a question about this coloring page, just type into the comment box located directly below this post and I'll try to get back to you as soon as I can.

How Beautiful The Setting Sun


How beautiful the setting sun!
The clouds, how spritely play!
The stars, appearing one by one.
How beautiful are they!

And when the moon climbs up the sky,
And sheds her gentle light,
And hangs her crystal lamp on high.
How beautiful is night!

And can it be, that I'm possessed
Of something brighter far?
Glows there a light within this breast,
Out-shining every star?

Yes, should the sun and stars turn pale.
The mountains melt away,
This flame within shall never fail,
But live in endless day.

Morning Glories


They said, "don't plant them," mother; " they're
so common and so poor;"
But of seeds I had no other, so I dropped them
by the door:
And they soon were brightly growing, in the
rich and teeming soil,
Stretching upward, upward, upward, to reward:
me for my toil.

They grew all o'er the casement, and they
wreathed around the door,
All about the chamber windows, upward, - up-
ward, ever more;
And each dawn, in glowing beauty, glistening
with early dew,
Is the house all wreathed with splendor, every
morning bright and new.

What, if they close at mid-day? 'tis because
their work is done,
And they shut their crimson petals from the
kisses of the sun;  
Teaching every day their lesson to my weary,
panting soul.
To be faithful in well doing, stretching upward
for the goal,

Sending out the climbing tendrils, trusting God
for strength and power,
To support, and aid, and comfort, in the trying
day and hour.
Ne'er spurn the thing that's common, nor call
homely flowers poor,
Each hath a holy mission, like my Glory o'er
the door.

Color Joseph asking for proof of Benjamin

Description of The Coloring Page: The WOG coloring pages are from India. These have been dedicated to the children of the internet by this ministry. The collection was compiled by Yesudas Solomon in 2020 at, you may contact them at to ask about these particular resources. The scripture reference is about Joseph demanding for proof of Benjamin's life. Genesis 42.

Don't forget to drag the png. or jpg into a Word Document and enlarge the image as much as possible before printing it folks. If you have a question about this coloring page, just type into the comment box located directly below this post and I'll try to get back to you as soon as I can.

God Is In His Holy Temple


God is in His holy temple;
Thoughts of earth be silent now,
While with reverence we assemble,
And before His presence bow.
He is with us, now and ever,
While we call upon His name,
Aiding every good endeavor.
Guiding every upward aim.

God is in His holy temple, -
In the pure and humble mind;
In the reverent heart and simple;
In the soul from sense refined.
Then let every low emotion
Banished far and silent be;
And our hearts in pure devotion,
Lord, be temples worthy Thee.

Friday, February 25, 2022

The Almond Tree

''The word of the LORD came to me: “What do you see, Jeremiah?” “I see the branch of an almond tree,” I replied." Jeremiah 1:11

        Some of you are fond of making puns - too fond, your friends sometimes think, and they threaten to turn you out of the room if you make another. Did you know that there are puns in the Bible ? There are - several of them - and our text to-day is one.
       God was speaking to the young prophet Jeremiah and calling him to his life-work, and to encourage him in that work God said to the prophet, " What are you looking at just now ? " "A branch of an almond tree," answered Jeremiah. Now it so happens that in Hebrew the almond tree is sometimes called the " hastener " or the " awakener " because, first of all the trees, it rushes into bloom. In January and February, when other trees are still asleep, it bursts into blossom, and the Hebrews look upon it as we do on our snowdrop. They think of it as the harbinger, the herald of the spring, and they call it by this poetic name, the  ''hastener," the tree that hastens to meet the spring. So, "A branch of the hastener," said Jeremiah, and God replied, "Right, Jeremiah, a branch of the hastener! So shall I hasten to do what I have promised."
       The " hastener " is one of the most beautiful and most prized trees in Israel. We know almonds mostly as delicious white oblongs which we love to munch along with raisins, or as sweets coated with sugar; but the people of the Middle East know the almond from its very beginning, and they eat the fruit at a much earlier stage than we do.
       The almond tree is really a cousin of the peach and the apricot. Like the peach it bears its flowers before its leaves. These flowers are white at the tips but shade off to pale pink at the base of the petals, and an almond tree covered with blossoms is one of the glories of the land of Palestine. Immediately the flowers drop off the fruit begins to form and the leaves to appear; and by March the tree is green. The young fruit is enclosed in a downy green pod which is crisp like a cucumber and has a refreshing acid taste. During April and May it is sold in the streets, and the children, especially, love to buy it. After the fruit is ripe its green cover shrinks to a brown leathery envelope, the kernel hardens, and then you have the ripe almond, the almond that you see in the green- grocer's window. You pop it into boiling water, the brown covering slips off, and lo! the blanched almond we all delight in.
       The Jews make sugar almonds as we do, and they also beat the kernels with sugar into a paste not unlike our marzipan or almond icing. You remember how Jacob told his sons to take with them into Egypt as a present to their unrecognized brother Joseph "a little balm, and a little honey, spices, and myrrh, nuts, and  almonds." They did not grow almonds in Egypt, so the present would be greatly appreciated. Of course Jacob's almonds would be plain, not sugared almonds, as there was no sugar in his day.
       The almond is mentioned several times in the Bible. Aaron's miraculous rod that budded, blossomed, and yielded fruit all in one night was an almond branch. Perhaps it is in memory of this rod that the Jews still carry to their synagogues or churches, on festival days, branches of almond blossom. The flowers of the almond, too, were used as models for the ornaments of the seven-branched golden candlestick of the Tabernacle.
       Now, you can forget all I have told you about the almond, if you promise to remember one thing - and that is its Hebrew name. It is as the " hastener " I want you to remember it, for it is as the "hastener" that it brings a message to us.
       The almond hastens to respond to the sunshine and the call of spring. It meets them half-way. I want you to copy it. I want you, through life, to meet things and people half-way. I want you to be ready to respond. I want you to meet joy and gladness half-way. I want you to be keen and eager to greet all that is good or beautiful. I want you to be enthusiastic and not ashamed to show it.
       You know there are some people in this world whom we describe as "wooden." And a very good description it is! There is no hastening blossom on their trees.
       There is no answering smile on their faces when you smile to them. They might learn a lesson from the very dogs on the street. When one dog meets another it greets it by wagging its tail, and the second dog wags back a kindly answer. Don't be a "wooden" person. Copy the almond tree and give smile for smile, kindliness for kindliness, love for love.
       And when you are hastening to respond to human love, don't forget to respond to God's love. It has
come more than half-way to meet you. It has indeed been with you and around you from the day you came into the world. How are you going to meet it ? Are you going to answer it? Are you going to return God's love with love? Hastings