Sunday, June 20, 2021

The Littlest Star

The Littlest Star

" I cannot do much," said a little star,
" To make the dark world bright!
My silvery beams cannot struggle far
Through the folding gloom of night!
But I'm only part of God's great plan.
And I'll cheerfully do the best that I can."

A child went merrily forth to play,
But a thought, like a silver thread,
Kept winding in and out all day
Through the happy golden head;
Mother said, " Darling, do all you can!
For you are a part of God's great plan."

She knew no more than the glancing star,
Nor the cloud, with its chalice full.
How, why, and for what the strange things were,
She was only a child at school;
But she thought, " It is part of God's great plan
That even I should do all that I can."

So she helped a younger child along,
Where the road was rough to the feet,
And she sang from her heart a little song.
That we all thought passing sweet.
And her father, a weary, toil-worn man,
Said, "I too, will do the best that I can."

Our best! ah! children the best of us,
Must hide our faces away.
When the Lord of the vineyard comes to look
At our task at the close of day !
But for strength from above, tis the Master's plan,
We'll pray and we'll do the best that we can.

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