God entrusts to all
Talents, few or many;
None so young or small,
That they have not any.
Though the great and wise
May have more in number,
Yet my own I prize,
And they must not slumber.
Little drops of rain,
Bring the springing flowers;
And I may attain
Much by little powers.
Every little mite,
Every little measure,
Helps to spread the light,
Helps to swell the treasure.
Monday, February 28, 2022
Child's Talent
Sample Illuminated Letter "C"
Description of Sample Letters: A collection of illuminated letter "C" throughout earlier centuries when it was a common place art form. These letters may be traced and integrated into student illumination of scripture, poems, prayer, etc...
Don't forget to drag the png. or jpg into a Word Document and enlarge the image as much as possible before printing it folks. If you have a question about this coloring page, just type into the comment box located directly below this post and I'll try to get back to you as soon as I can.
The Violet
"Oh, mother! mother! only look!
See what I've got for thee;
I found it close beside the brook, -
This pretty violet, - see.
"And father says there will be more
So, mother, when they come,
We'll pick my little basket full,
And bring them with us home.
"And, mother, - only listen now!
'Tis very strange, indeed, -
This pretty flower, with leaves and all,
Was once a little seed.
"When it was planted in the ground,
The sun shone very bright.
And made the little seed so warm,
It grew with all its might."
"Yes, Charles: the bright sun made it warm,
'T was wet with rain and dew;
The leaves came first, and then, ere long,
We found the violet blue.
"Charley, I think when we are good,
Obedient, and kind,
Good feelings, like the little flowers,
Are growing in the mind.
"But when we suff'er evil thoughts
To grow and flourish there.
Then they are like the noxious weeds.
That choke the flowerets fair."
Despise Not Simple Things
Despise not simple things:
The humblest flower that wakes
In early spring, to scent the air
Of woodland brakes,
Should have thy love as well
As blushing parlor rose.
That never felt the perfect breath
Of nature round it close.
Despise not simple things:
The poor demand thy love,
As well as those who in the halls
Of splendor move.
The beggar at thy door
Thou shouldst not e'er despise;
For that may be a noble heart
Which 'neath his tatters lies.
Despise not little things:
An ant can teach of toil;
The buttercup can light the heart
With its own pleasant smile;
'Tis not from towering heights alone
The noble thought within us springs;
There's something holy and sublime
In the love of simple things.
Sample Illuminated Letter "B"
Description of Sample Letters: A collection of illuminated letter "B" throughout earlier centuries when it was a common place art form. These letters may be traced and integrated into student illumination of scripture, poems, prayer, etc...
Don't forget to drag the png. or jpg into a Word Document and enlarge the image as much as possible before printing it folks. If you have a question about this coloring page, just type into the comment box located directly below this post and I'll try to get back to you as soon as I can.
God Is Good
Morn amid the mountains,
Lovely solitude,
Gushing streams and fountains,
Murmur, "God is good."
Now the glad sun, breaking,
Pours a golden flood;
Deepest vales awaking,
Echo, "God is good."
"Wake and join the chorus,
Man with soul endued!
He, whose smile is o'er us,
God, - our God, - is good.
The Making of the World
Today we are told how God made this earth that we live on. Sunday is the earth's birthday, for on the first day of the week the Creation began.
The world was all one mass - dark, empty, and shapeless - till God made the light by His Word, and said that the light was good. Without light we could not live: even the very trees and flowers would die. When we have been in the dark how glad we are to see light come back, even if it be only one grey line beginning in the sky ! This shows how blessed is this gift. It was good, too, that we should have quite a dark night for rest and stillness.
The second great change enclosed the earth in an outer ball of air, which we call the sky or firmament. That is the deep blue into which we look up and up. The water risers up from the earth and makes the clouds that take such strange shapes, sometimes dark and full of rain to water the earth, sometimes shining white, or pink and golden with morning or evening light.
The third great change was, that water filled the deep hollows of the earth, while the hills rose up dry above them, with rivers and streams running down their slopes into the deep seas below. God did not leave the land bare and stony: He clothed it with green fresh plants and herbs, with leaves and flowers, and trees to give us their fruit or their wood, and filled even the sea with plants formed to live under water.
Next, God allowed the rays of the sun to gladden the earth, and let it see the moon lighted up by the sun, as well as the stars far beyond our firmament. We count the months by the changes in the moon; and our earth's journey round the sun marks our years and seasons. We all rejoice in a bright sunny day, though the sun is too bright and glorious for us to bear to gaze at him; and how lovely the moon looks, either as a young crescent, or a beautiful full moon!
The waters began to be full of live things, that swam, or crept, or flew: fishes, and birds, and insects. By that time this world was nearly as we see it, and a beautiful home for us to live in. Then God made the four-footed beasts - sheep and cows, horses, dogs, cats, elephants, lions - all that we use or admire ; and, last of all, when He had made this earth a happy, healthy place. He planted the Garden of Eden, and put in it the first man and woman, the best of all that He had made; for though their bodies were of dust, like those of the beasts, yet their souls came from the Breath of God. They could think, speak, pray, and heed what is unseen as well as what is seen.
There are many many lessons to be learnt from this wonderful story. Let us try to take home one of them. Let us ask our Father that the ground below, the light above, the sky and sea, the sun and moon, the trees and flowers, the birds and beasts, and His holy day of rest, may remind us that they came from Him, and that we may be very thankful to Him for having given us such good things.
- Who made the world?
- Which Commandment tells you about God's making the world?
- What is there in the sky that God made?
- What is there on the earth?
- What do you see around you that He made?
- Can we make birds, or beasts, or flowers?
- Or could we make them live?
- Who makes them and us live?
- Where does all our food come from?
- Who gave us com?
- What must we ask God to do for us?
- What must we thank Him for?
- Do not you think it would be pleasant to whisper to yourself, when you see a pretty flower, or a beautiful sky, or when the sun shines bright and warm,
- Thank God for being so good to me?
- What did God make?
- Whom did He make?
- What was the man made of?
- What was the woman made of?
- What did God breathe into them?
- What did He give them?
- Why were they better than the beasts?
- What was the man's name?
- What was the woman's name?
- Of whom were they the father and mother?
- Where did they live?
- What had they to do there?
- What grew there? 14.
- What were the two chief trees that grew there?
- Which were they not to touch?
- Where is the Tree of Life now?
- When do we hope to see it?
- What is a still happier place than the Garden of Eden?
And His hands prepared the dry land."
- Which day was the sea and land made?
- What curious thing does the sea do every day?
- What do you call the coming in and going back of the sea?
- Why does the tide always stop in its proper place?
- What did God make the bounderies of the sea?
- What did He say to it ?
- What verse praises God for making the sea?
The text was written by Charlotte M. Yonge.
Sunday, February 27, 2022
The Sea Shell
There is found a tiny sea shell,
Half-imbedded in the sand,
Sometimes flashing in the moonlight.
Like a diamond on the strand.
And from out the winding chambers
That are hid within the shell,
Ever steals a curious music,
That doth never sink nor swell.
But, like the far-off voice of ocean.
Murmurs forth its monotone.
Holding thus within its bosom
E'er an ocean of its own.
Thus the sea shells ever gather
Little oceans in their breasts,
Which do echo there for ever
Ocean's hymn, which never rests.
Thus the soul will echo music,
Born in heaven, and not of earth;
And give praises all, for ever.
To the One that gave it birth.
Sample Illuminated Letter "A"
Description of Sample Letters: A collection of illuminated letter "A" throughout earlier centuries when it was a common place art form. These letters may be traced and integrated into student illumination of scripture, poems, prayer, etc...
Don't forget to drag the png. or jpg into a Word Document and enlarge the image as much as possible before printing it folks. If you have a question about this coloring page, just type into the comment box located directly below this post and I'll try to get back to you as soon as I can.
Saturday, February 26, 2022
Scorn not the slightest word nor deed,
Nor deem it void of power;
There's fruit in each wind-wafted seed,
That waits its natal hour.
A whispered word may touch the heart.
And call it back to life;
A look of love bid sin depart,
And still unholy strife.
No act falls fruitless; none can tell
How vast its powers may be,
Nor what results, unfolded, dwell
Within it, silently.
Work on, - despair not, - bring thy mite,
Nor care how small it be;
God is with all who serve the right,
The holy, true, and free.
The Lark
Ah! little lark, I see you there,
So very, very high;
Just like a little, tiny speck
Up in the clear blue sky.
How good is He, who strengthens thus
Your slight and tender wing.
And teaches such a little throat
So sweet a song to sing.
Color the Sycomore That Grows in The Bible Lands
Sycomore. With bunches of fruit. |
Description of Botanical Coloring Page: The Sycomore, a fig tree (Ficus sycomorus) with small fruit found in Israel in and near towns. Amos was a gatherer of sycomore fruit (Amos 7. 14). The fruit, though small and of poor quality, was much eaten by the poorer people, and its broad evergreen foliage afforded a welcome shade. The wood was soft and porous, but in Egypt it was extensively used for furniture, doors, boxes, and mummy cases. It should not be confounded with the sycamore, which is a maple, and is not mentioned in the Bible.
Don't forget to drag the png. or jpg into a Word Document and enlarge the image as much as possible before printing it folks. If you have a question about this coloring page, just type into the comment box located directly below this post and I'll try to get back to you as soon as I can.
Color the Storax Tree
Storax Tree. With a separate fruit. |
Description of the Botanical Coloring Page: Stacte. The translation of nataph in Exodus 30. 34. the Hebrew word means a drop; in Job 36, 27 it is translated "a drop" [of water]: in Exodus it is "a drop" [of sweet spice}, and this is interpreted as stacte; the revisers suggest that this is opobalsamum, but it is generally held to be storax, a gum-resin obtained from the bark of the Storax officinale, the storax tree. This is a showy shrub when covered with a profusion of white flowers. It is commonly found in thickets and on moutains to a height of four thousand feet.
Don't forget to drag the png. or jpg into a Word Document and enlarge the image as much as possible before printing it folks. If you have a question about this coloring page, just type into the comment box located directly below this post and I'll try to get back to you as soon as I can.
Color Spikenard
Spikenard. With separate flower, open corolla and fruit. |
The Bird's Nest
There's a nest in the hedge-row.
Half hid by the leaves,
And the sprays, white with blossom,
Bend o'er it like eaves.
God gives birds their lodging.
He gives them their food,
And they trust He will give them
Whatever is good.
Ah! when our rich blessings,
My child, we forget;
When for some little trouble
We murmur and fret;
Hear sweet voices singing
In hedges and trees:
Shall we be less thankful,
Less trustful than these?
God! - What a great and holy name!
Oh! who can speak His worth?
By saints in heaven He is adored,
Obeyed by men on earth
And yet a little child may bend
And say: "My Father and my Friend."
The glorious sun, which blazes high,
The moon, more pale and dim.
And all the stars which fill the sky,
Are made and ruled by Him:
And yet a child may ask His care.
And call upon His name in prayer.
And this large world of ours below,
The waters and the land,
And all the trees and flowers that grow,
Were fashioned by His hand;
Yes, - and He forms our infant race,
And even I may seek His face.
Color Adam and Eve Learning To Farm
I Have A Home
I have a home in which to live,
A bed to rest upon.
Good food to eat, and fire to warm.
And raiment to put on.
Kind parents, full of gentle love,
Brothers and sisters, too.
With many faithful, loving friends,
Who teach me what to do.
How many little children have
No food, nor clothes to wear.
No house, nor home, nor parents kind,
To guide them by their care.
For all Thy bounty, my God,
May I be grateful found.
And ever show my love to Thee,
By loving all around.
Like Jesus
I want to be like Jesus,
So lowly and so meek;
For no one marked an angry word,
Whoever heard him speak.
I want to be like Jesus,
So frequently in prayer;
Alone upon the mountain top,
He met his Father there.
I want to be like Jesus:
I never, never find,
That he, though persecuted, was
To any one unkind.
I want to be like Jesus,
Engaged in doing good;
So that of me it may be said,
I have done what I could.
Color Adam and Eve Happy Together
Summer Time
I love to hear the little birds
That carol on the trees;
I love the gentle, murmuring stream;
I love the evening breeze.
I love to hear the busy hum
Of honey-making bee,
And learn a lesson, - hard to learn,
Of patient industry.
I love to think of Him who made
Those pleasant things for me.
Who gave me life, and health, and strength,
And eyes, that I might see.
The child who raises, morn and eve.
In prayer its tiny voice,
Who grieves whene'er its parents grieve,
And joys when they rejoice, -
In whose bright eyes young genius glows,
Whose heart, without a blot,
Is fresh and pure as summer's rose, -
That child's a sunny spot.
Adam and Eve care for animals coloring page
How Beautiful The Setting Sun
How beautiful the setting sun!
The clouds, how spritely play!
The stars, appearing one by one.
How beautiful are they!
And when the moon climbs up the sky,
And sheds her gentle light,
And hangs her crystal lamp on high.
How beautiful is night!
And can it be, that I'm possessed
Of something brighter far?
Glows there a light within this breast,
Out-shining every star?
Yes, should the sun and stars turn pale.
The mountains melt away,
This flame within shall never fail,
But live in endless day.
Morning Glories
They said, "don't plant them," mother; " they're
so common and so poor;"
But of seeds I had no other, so I dropped them
by the door:
And they soon were brightly growing, in the
rich and teeming soil,
Stretching upward, upward, upward, to reward:
me for my toil.
They grew all o'er the casement, and they
wreathed around the door,
All about the chamber windows, upward, - up-
ward, ever more;
And each dawn, in glowing beauty, glistening
with early dew,
Is the house all wreathed with splendor, every
morning bright and new.
What, if they close at mid-day? 'tis because
their work is done,
And they shut their crimson petals from the
kisses of the sun;
Teaching every day their lesson to my weary,
panting soul.
To be faithful in well doing, stretching upward
for the goal,
Sending out the climbing tendrils, trusting God
for strength and power,
To support, and aid, and comfort, in the trying
day and hour.
Ne'er spurn the thing that's common, nor call
homely flowers poor,
Each hath a holy mission, like my Glory o'er
the door.
Color Joseph asking for proof of Benjamin
God Is In His Holy Temple
God is in His holy temple;
Thoughts of earth be silent now,
While with reverence we assemble,
And before His presence bow.
He is with us, now and ever,
While we call upon His name,
Aiding every good endeavor.
Guiding every upward aim.
God is in His holy temple, -
In the pure and humble mind;
In the reverent heart and simple;
In the soul from sense refined.
Then let every low emotion
Banished far and silent be;
And our hearts in pure devotion,
Lord, be temples worthy Thee.
Friday, February 25, 2022
The Almond Tree
''The word of the LORD came to me: “What do you see, Jeremiah?” “I see the branch of an almond tree,” I replied." Jeremiah 1:11
Some of you are fond of making puns - too fond, your friends sometimes think, and they threaten to turn you out of the room if you make another. Did you know that there are puns in the Bible ? There are - several of them - and our text to-day is one.
God was speaking to the young prophet Jeremiah and calling him to his life-work, and to encourage him in that work God said to the prophet, " What are you looking at just now ? " "A branch of an almond tree," answered Jeremiah. Now it so happens that in Hebrew the almond tree is sometimes called the " hastener " or the " awakener " because, first of all the trees, it rushes into bloom. In January and February, when other trees are still asleep, it bursts into blossom, and the Hebrews look upon it as we do on our snowdrop. They think of it as the harbinger, the herald of the spring, and they call it by this poetic name, the ''hastener," the tree that hastens to meet the spring. So, "A branch of the hastener," said Jeremiah, and God replied, "Right, Jeremiah, a branch of the hastener! So shall I hasten to do what I have promised."
The " hastener " is one of the most beautiful and most prized trees in Israel. We know almonds mostly as delicious white oblongs which we love to munch along with raisins, or as sweets coated with sugar; but the people of the Middle East know the almond from its very beginning, and they eat the fruit at a much earlier stage than we do.
The almond tree is really a cousin of the peach and the apricot. Like the peach it bears its flowers before its leaves. These flowers are white at the tips but shade off to pale pink at the base of the petals, and an almond tree covered with blossoms is one of the glories of the land of Palestine. Immediately the flowers drop off the fruit begins to form and the leaves to appear; and by March the tree is green. The young fruit is enclosed in a downy green pod which is crisp like a cucumber and has a refreshing acid taste. During April and May it is sold in the streets, and the children, especially, love to buy it. After the fruit is ripe its green cover shrinks to a brown leathery envelope, the kernel hardens, and then you have the ripe almond, the almond that you see in the green- grocer's window. You pop it into boiling water, the brown covering slips off, and lo! the blanched almond we all delight in.
The Jews make sugar almonds as we do, and they also beat the kernels with sugar into a paste not unlike our marzipan or almond icing. You remember how Jacob told his sons to take with them into Egypt as a present to their unrecognized brother Joseph "a little balm, and a little honey, spices, and myrrh, nuts, and almonds." They did not grow almonds in Egypt, so the present would be greatly appreciated. Of course Jacob's almonds would be plain, not sugared almonds, as there was no sugar in his day.
The almond is mentioned several times in the Bible. Aaron's miraculous rod that budded, blossomed, and yielded fruit all in one night was an almond branch. Perhaps it is in memory of this rod that the Jews still carry to their synagogues or churches, on festival days, branches of almond blossom. The flowers of the almond, too, were used as models for the ornaments of the seven-branched golden candlestick of the Tabernacle.
Now, you can forget all I have told you about the almond, if you promise to remember one thing - and that is its Hebrew name. It is as the " hastener " I want you to remember it, for it is as the "hastener" that it brings a message to us.
The almond hastens to respond to the sunshine and the call of spring. It meets them half-way. I want you to copy it. I want you, through life, to meet things and people half-way. I want you to be ready to respond. I want you to meet joy and gladness half-way. I want you to be keen and eager to greet all that is good or beautiful. I want you to be enthusiastic and not ashamed to show it.
You know there are some people in this world whom we describe as "wooden." And a very good description it is! There is no hastening blossom on their trees.
There is no answering smile on their faces when you smile to them. They might learn a lesson from the very dogs on the street. When one dog meets another it greets it by wagging its tail, and the second dog wags back a kindly answer. Don't be a "wooden" person. Copy the almond tree and give smile for smile, kindliness for kindliness, love for love.
And when you are hastening to respond to human love, don't forget to respond to God's love. It has
come more than half-way to meet you. It has indeed been with you and around you from the day you came into the world. How are you going to meet it ? Are you going to answer it? Are you going to return God's love with love? Hastings
The Speech of A Child
“Ah, Lord GOD,” I said, “I surely do not know how to speak, for I am only a child!” Jeremiah 1:6
These words were spoken by the prophet Jeremiah. God had called him to carry His message to the people of Judah, and Jeremiah felt he was not fit for the task. It was a very sad message he had to take. He had to tell his fellow-countrymen that unless they turned away from their wicked ways they would bring their country to ruin. It was a very terrible message, a very solemn one, and a very unpopular one, and Jeremiah felt quite unable to carry it. He loved his country dearly, and it hurt him dreadfully to have to foretell its doom. Besides, he was very young - little more than a lad. So when God asked him to go he replied, " I cannot speak: for I am a child."
Now I wonder if you have ever felt like Jeremiah ? Not that you have a sad message to carry, but you want to do some good in the world, you want to help somebody, and you feel that you can do so little because you are just a child. So you say sadly, "I cannot speak: for I am a child." Do you know that you are making a great mistake? A child can do a great deal more than he imagines - if only he is willing.
1.) If you cannot speak you can smile, and a smile sometimes works miracles in driving away gloom, in dispersing the clouds of worry or even of angry and bitter thoughts that sometimes darken the minds of other people.
There was a man once who sat thinking black thoughts. He was planning to do a very wicked deed. His little child ran into the room. It was too wee even to speak, but it just toddled up to his chair, laid its chubby hands on his knees, and laughed up into his face. And the black thoughts vanished from the man's mind. They could not live beside that baby smile. He rose up a new man and he stayed a new man from that day forward.
2.) And if you cannot speak you can be. What do we mean by that? Just by being a child, true and pure and good, you may work wonders in the world.
In one of the towns on the Continent they hold every year on the 28th of July a Feast of Cherries. On that day the town is thronged from morning to night with children dressed in white and waving branches of cherry trees, and when night falls they feast on the cherries which they have been carrying during the day. If you asked any of the inhabitants why that feast was held they would tell you this story.
In the year 1432 the town was laid siege to. The general commanding the besieging army demanded the instant surrender of the town and refused to make terms with the inhabitants. He would not even consent to sparing their lives should they surrender. For a week the people held out, but their provisions ran down and they were starving. Then one man had an idea. He suggested that all the children in the town between the ages of seven and fourteen should be dressed in white and sent into the tent of the general to plead for their own lives and the lives of the inhabitants. It was decided to carry out this plan, and there must have been many sad hearts among the fathers and mothers that night.
Next morning the gates of the city were opened and a long procession of children streamed out and made their way into the camp of the enemy. They found the general's tent and fell on their knees begging for mercy. Although the general was a fierce, cruel man he was so touched by their innocence and their courage, and so moved to compassion by their pale, pinched faces that he granted their request. Then he ordered food and fruit to be brought, and finally gave the command that each child should be presented with a cherry branch from the gardens near and sent back into the city to carry the good news.
So the children by their innocence and helplessness accomplished what the grown-ups could not do, and every year, as the anniversary of the brave deed returns, the town still keeps its Feast of Cherries.
3.) Lastly, if you cannot speak you can do. To very few is given the gift of eloquence, but we can all speak by our lives. And, boys and girls, that is going to count much more than any gift of tongues. By a little deed of unselfishness here, by a little bit of self-denial there, by being loving and kind and thoughtful for others you can do much more than if you had "the tongues of men and of angels."
Do you know how God answered Jeremiah? He said, "Say not, I am a child: for to whomsoever I shall send thee thou shalt go, and whatsoever I shall command thee thou shalt speak." Then He touched the prophet's mouth as a sign that He had given him the gift of eloquence.
If you will let God touch your lives, then they will speak eloquently for Him, and all that they say will be beautiful and good. Hastings
What The Bells Say...
“The gold bells and the pomegranates are to alternate around the hem of the robe." Exodus. 28: 34
More than tow hundred years ago a sailing , ship far out on the sea, a hundred miles from shore, heard the sound of church bells. It was Sunday morning and the bells were ringing, calling people to church. They seemed to say:
Both great and small.”
At first those upon the vessel thought it was only fancy, for they were far from shore. There was only one place on the ship where the bells could be heard and that was before the bulging main sail, and there the sound of the church bells could be clearly heard, calling, calling, to worship and prayer.
Months passed and the vessel one day sailed into the port of San Salvador and on inquiry the sailors learned that at the exact time when the bells were heard upon the ship far out at sea, the church bells of the cathedral were ringing. It was a great mystery to the sailors, but it is easy for us to understand. In our day when we know how easily the air carries the voice over land and sea we can understand how the sound of the bells could be caught by the bulging sail.
What a pleasing sound it is to hear the call of the “church going bell. In old England where every village church has a bell you will find each of them has a motto graven in the metal. Some of these mottoes are interesting. Here is one that says:
Boarder Bells |
Another says:
“Come and pray,
Hear and obey.”
Sometimes the bell is vain and the motto reads:
“I am a pretty bell,
That you all may see.”
And sometimes the bell is modest and sensitive and sometimes they tell the praises of those who made them:
“Our merry bell is mainly due
To Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Carew.”
Here is a complaining and grumbling motto:
“Our tone would have been made deeper
If contributions had been greater.”
What strange messages for church bells! Some of them are vain, some foolish, some selfish. A church bell should send out one clear note. It should say, like the bells of Bath,
“Let Christ be known around,
And loved where’er we sound.
Then shall true joys abound.
Before Him lowly fall,
Where’er we lift our call
And praise Him Lord of all ”
There is one bell, a very little bell, that rings sometimes very quietly and sometimes sounds a loud alarm and we can never get away from its sound. Do you know its name? Yes, it is Conscience. Sometimes it rings a merry, merry tune, and sometimes it sounds a warning. The teacher examining a Sunday School said, “Who can tell me what Conscience is?” One of the big boys said, “It is too big a word for me.” Then the teacher said, “Did you ever feel anything inside you that said, ‘Do this.' ‘Shun that.' ‘You ought to have done this.' ‘You should not have said that’?” “Oh, yes,” said George, “that is Jesus ringing a bell in our hearts.” And George was right. Better than the call of the church bell in the steeple is the call of Conscience which is the voice of Jesus, guiding us in ways of pleasantness and in paths of peace. Kerr
The Greatest Cradle in The World
“The sea is his, for he made it, and his hands formed the dry land.'' Psalm: 95: 5
Cradles are out of fashion in these days. Babies are no longer in need of cradles. They need, not cradles, but cold dark silent rooms, perfectly good old fashioned beds, and to be left entirely alone to think and to meditate and not to cry.
Somehow I like the old way. I know it's not the best way, but still it is best for song and story and when you come to think of it, nature too, likes a cradle and has no idea of giving up to our new-fangled modern notions.
What is a beautiful valley lying between hills and mountains but a cradle, soft and green, in which sleep fields of golden grain and pretty villages, and what are the trees of the forests and the streets but cradles, rocked by the wind. You remember the lullaby song:
“Rock-a-bye baby
In the tree top,
When the bough bends
The cradle will rock.”
But the greatest cradle in the whole wide world is the sea. The deep, dark, boundless sea is the greatest cradle in the world. The very first bed God ever made was the sea and there the first life was cradled. What a cradle it is! How great it is! It rocks from East to West, from shore to shore, and ships and islands and continents sleep in it. You know what the old song says:
“Rocked in the cradle of the deep
I lay me down in peace to sleep;
Secure I rest upon the wave,
For Thou, O Lord! hast power to save.
I know Thou wilt not slight my call,
For Thou dost mark the sparrow’s fall;
And calm and peaceful shall I sleep,
Rocked in the cradle of the deep.”
How cold it is! The icy waters of the far North and of the far South slip down into its depths. How deep it is! You could never reach down into it with your arms. The highest mountain in the world could lie down in it and be lost from sight. How heavy is its covering! I suppose that is because it is so cold. Do you know if you were to lie down at the bottom of this great cradle you would have to carry about 250 tons of watery bed covers. Think of that!
Away down at the bottom of the deep, cold cradle of the sea, it is dark and still. There is no noise there, no light ever gets down into that quiet chamber. Occasionally a little animal with a little phosphorescent light passes by to see that all is well and then everything is dark and silent again.
And yet down there in that great cradle of the sea little animals live and thrive, fed by the sea dust that filters down from above, for the sea is God’s cradle and even there God cares for His creatures. In one of the Psalms we read:
“If I take the wings of the morning,
And dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea;
Even there shall thy hand lead me,
And thy right hand shall hold me."
If He cares for the fish of the deep, deep sea, will
He not care for us?
There is no place in all the world where God cannot come to His children. When a great hero of the sea was caught in a terrible storm and all the crew was in a panic of fear, He calmly said, “We are as near God on the sea as on the land.” How true! And, after all, the greatest cradle in the world is not the trees of the forest, or the great deep silent sea, but the arms of our Heavenly Father. Where in the Bible will you find it said that “The Eternal God is our refuge, and underneath are the everlasting arms”? Kerr
Planet Earth is a cradle for God's people. |
An Evening Song
How radiant the evening skies!
Broad wing of blue in heaven unfurled,
God watching with unwearied eyes
The welfare of a sleeping world.
He rolls the sun to its decline,
And speeds it on to realms afar.
To let the modest glowworm shine.
And men behold the evening star.
He lights the wild flower in the wood.
He rocks the sparrow in her nest,
He guides the angels on their road,
That come to guard us while we rest
When blows the bee his tiny horn.
To wake the sisterhood of flowers,
He kindles with His smile the morn,
To bless with light the winged hours.
O God! look down with loving eyes
Upon Thy children slumbering here.
Beneath this tent of starry skies,
For heaven is nigh, and Thou art near.
Deeds of Kindness
Suppose the little cowslip
Should hang its tiny cup.
And say, "I'm such a little flower,
I'd better not grow up."
How many a weary traveler
Would miss the fragrant smell?
How many a little child would grieve
To miss it from the dell!
Suppose the glistening dew-drop,
Upon the grass, should say,
"What can a little dew-drop do?
I'd better roll away."
The blade on which it rested,
Before the day was done.
Without a drop to moisten it,
Would wither in the sun.
Suppose the little breezes
Upon a summer's day,
Should think themselves too small to cool
The traveler on his way:
Who would not miss the smallest
And softest ones that blow.
And think they made a great mistake
If they were talking so?
How many deeds of kindness
A little child may do.
Although it has so little strength,
And little wisdom, too.
It wants a loving spirit.
Much more than strength, to prove,
How many things a child may do
For others by his love.
The Beautiful Works of God
All things bright and beautiful,
All creatures great and small.
All things wise and wonderful, -
The Lord God made them all.
Each little flower that opens,
Each little bird that sings.
He made their glowing colors.
He made their shining wings.
The tall trees in the green wood.
The meadows where we play,
The rushes, by the water.
We gather every day, -
He gave us eyes to see them,
And lips, that we may tell
How great is God Almighty,
Who doeth all things well.
A Dead World
The other day I was visiting a little friend who had been ill for fourteen long months, through two winters and one summer. He had gone to bed near Christmas and had been a little invalid all that year, and through the next Christmas. His name is Frederick. He has a sister just his own age to the very day, and her name is Florence. Florence went to school and learned to write and add and subtract and do other queer things. Frederick stayed in bed, kept very quiet and read. He was only seven, but he read all sorts of books, and when he could not read others read to him, his nurse, his father, or his mother, or Billy or Betty, and he came to know a lot of history and science and fairy tales.
One day when I was telling him about the big world outside, and the coming of spring with its buds and leaves and flowers he chuckled and said, “Some day this world will be just like the moon.''What do you think of that? What did he mean? I thought perhaps he had been reading Robert Louis Stevenson who said that:
“The moon has a face like the clock in the hall
It shines on thieves on the garden wall.”
Then I thought perhaps it was Mother Goose he was thinking of:
“The man in the moon
Came tumbling down
And asked the way to Norwich.
He went by the south
And burnt his mouth
With supping cold pease-porridge.”
I soon knew, however, that he was not thinking about fancies and fairies, but about facts, and I said, “Why do you think so?” “Well,” said he in a wise sort of way, “don’t you know the moon is dead and some day this world will be dead just like the moon.” Of course I knew that. Everybody knows that. The moon is dead. Nothing lives in the moon. Nothing ever happens there. No storms, no lightning, no noise, no dust, no twilight, no blue sky, nothing happens in the moon. There is no life, no air there, and the sky is as black as ink. It has no weather. It is a dead world.
No wonder “the man in the moon has a crick in his back. Whee! Whim! Ain’t you sorry for him?” Perhaps this is why people have always thought the moon harmed people and made them go out of their heads, as we say. Do you remember the Psalm that says, “The sun shall not smite thee by day nor the moon by night?” You can have a moonstroke, as well as a sunstroke. All dead things are bad, and a dead world like the moon may have a bad influence on people, especially on young people who stay out late at night.
I said, “Yes, the moon is dead, a dead, dead world, but how beautiful it is and how wonderful it is at night. How is that? If it is dead how is it so full of light?” And I repeated the verse:
“Moon, so round and yellow,
Looking from on high,
How I love to see you
Shining in the sky.
Oft and oft I wonder,
When I see you there,
How they get to light you,
Hanging in the air.”
Then Frederick turned over and said with a laugh, “Don’t you know? Why, it’s the sun that makes the moon beautiful. The moon is dead, but the sun shines on it, and makes it shine.” And then I thought that we, too, are something like the moon, sort of dead and dull and useless, until Jesus, the great sun of our life, shines upon us and lights up our lives. The only way for us to be bright and useful is to have Jesus shine upon us. If we stay near Him we will be like Him.
Frederick is well now and lives out in a real live world and some day when I see him I am going to preach this story-sermon to him and then read and explain to him this sermon-story in rhyme:
“A Persian fable says: One day
A wanderer found a lump of clay
So redolent of sweet perfume,
Its odors scented all the room.
‘What art thou?’ was his quick demand;
‘Art thou some gem from the Samarkand,
Or Spikenard in this rude disguise,
Or other costly merchandise?’
‘Nay! I am but a lump of clay
‘Then whence this wondrous sweetness—say?’
‘Friend, if the secret I disclose,
I have been dwelling with the rose!”
Perhaps that verse of poetry is rather hard for little children to understand, but its meaning is very simple. It means that just as a piece of clay which has no sweetness in itself may become fragrant by being in the same place with a rose, so we too may become sweet and lovely by living in the presence of Jesus. The sweetness of the rose sweetens the clay, and the love and beauty of our Lord make us kind and sweet also. I am sure Frederick will understand both the story and the sermon. Kerr
Thursday, February 24, 2022
Teach Us To Pray
Teach us to pray
Oh, Father! we look up to Thee,
And this our one request shall be,
Teach us to pray.
Teach us to pray.
A form of words will not suffice, -
The heart must bring its sacrifice:
Teach us to pray.
Teach us to pray.
To whom shall we, Thy children, turn?
Teach Thou the lesson we would learn:
Teach us to pray.
Teach us to pray.
To Thee, alone, our hearts look up:
Prayer is our only door of hope;
Teach us to pray.
The Dove's Visit
I knew a little, sickly child.
The long, long summer's day.
When all the world was green and bright,
Alone in bed to lay;
There used to come a little dove
Before his window small,
And sing to him with her sweet voice,
Out of the fir-tree tall.
And when the sick child better grew,
And he could creep along,
Close to that window he would come,
And listen to her song.
He was so gentle in his speech,
And quiet at his play,
He would not, for the world, have made,
That sweet bird fly away.
There is a Holy Dove that sings
To every listening child, -
That whispers to his little heart
A song more sweet and mild.
It is the Spirit of our God
That speaks of him within;
That leads him to all things good,
And holds him back from sin.
And he must hear that "still, small voice
Nor tempt it to depart, -
The Spirit, great and wonderful,
That whispers in his heart.
He must be pure, and good, and true;
Must strive, and watch, and pray;
For unresisted sin, at last,
May drive that Dove away.
“in the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread, till thou return unto the
ground; for out of it wast thou taken: for dust thou art, and unto dust
shalt thou return." Genesis. 3:19
The Bible tells us very plainly that our bodies are made of dust. God made man out of the dust of the earth and breathed into him the breath of life. We do not like to think we are made out of dust. We like to think we are made out of sunshine and rainbows, and if there is any dust about us, it must be golden star dust.
I heard once of a dear old Scotchwoman who had always refused to have her picture taken. Many old ladies, you know, are stubborn, especially Scotch old ladies. Her family, however, urged her to have her photograph taken so they could send it to one of her sons who lived in America, and she consented. When the first proof was received she looked at it long and silently and then without a word set out for the studio. “Is that me?” she said to the photographer. “Yes, madam,” he said. “And is it like me?” she added. “Yes, madam, it is a speaking likeness.” Then said the old Scotch woman, “Well, if that's so, it’s a humbling sight.”
We laugh at the dear old lady, for we know she was wrong, for there is nothing lovelier in the world than just a fine, sweet, thought-ennobled face of a mother or a grandmother.
And what a wonderful thing dust is! It is alive with mystery before which wise men dream and wonder. To a wise man who knows, “the very dust is dear.” It is a living thing, and out of it the world has been made, and scientists tell us that we owe our beautiful sunsets and our refreshing rain to the dust that floats in the upper air.
We are apt to think the only value dust has is to make work, but it is not so. Dust is useful. A great scientist once wrote a book which he called “The Wonderful Century.” The Wonderful Century was of course the nineteenth century which includes all the years between 1800 and 1900. In this book he wrote about some of the marvelous things discovered during those years and one of the chapters is about Dust, and among other things he said, “It is doubtful whether we could even live without dust. To the presence of dust we owe the clouds, the mists, the rains.” If it were not for the dust instead of soft showers and refreshing rains we would have water spouts and terrible torrents. It all seems strange, but true things are often strange, and sometimes little things are really big things.
A great man by the name of John Ruskin once took a handful of mud from the road of a great city. It was just a handful of dirty dust moistened with water. This wise man then divided the mud into four parts, clay, soot, sand, and water. Then he told the people who were listening to him that if the clay were left alone for thousands or millions of years it would, under certain conditions, become a beautiful sapphire. The sand, he said, in the same strange way would be changed into a precious opal. The soot, the blackest of things, would in time become a brilliant diamond and the water could easily be changed into a pearly dewdrop or a snow crystal.
God can change the meanest thing into a priceless gem, and He can so transform us that we can become like Him. We are made of the dust of the field but we are also made in the image of God.
“Life is real; life is earnest!
And the grave is not its goal!
‘Dust thou art, to dust returnest
Was not spoken of the soul.”
The Apostle John said: “Beloved, now are we children of God, and it is not yet manifest what we shall be. We know that, if he shall be manifested, we shall be like him; for we shall see him even as he is.” Kerr
Spiritual Blessings
Almighty Father! Thou hast many blessings
In store for every loving child of Thine;
For this I pray, - Let me, Thy grace possessing,
Seek to be guided by Thy will divine.
Not for earth's treasures, - for her joys the dearest,
Would I my supplications raise to Thee;
Not for the hopes that to my heart are nearest,
But only that I give that heart to Thee.
I pray that Thou wouldst guide and guard me ever;
Cleanse, by Thy power, from every stain of sin;
I will Thy blessing ask on each endeavor.
And thus Thy promised peace my soul shall win.
"Thou, God, Seest Me."
Thine eye is on me always.
Thou knowest the way I take;
Thou seest me when I'm sleeping,
Thou seest me when I wake.
Thine arm is round about me,
Thy hand is underneath
Thy love will still preserve me,
If I Thy laws do keep.
Thou art my present helper, -
Be Thou my daily guide;
Then I'll be safe for eve,
Whatever may betide.
Oh ! help me, dearest Father,
To walk in wisdom's way,
That I, Thy loving child, may be
Through every future day.
And, by my loving actions, prove
That He who guardeth me is Love.
They brought sacrifices to God...
There's not a leaf within the bower, -
There's not a bird upon the tree, -
There's not a dewdrop on the flower, -
But bears the impress. Lord, of Thee.
Thy power the varied leaf designed,
And gave the bird its thrilling tone;
Thy hand the dewdrops' tints combined,
Till like a diamond's blaze they shone.
Yes, dewdrops, leaves and buds, and all, -
The smallest, like the greatest things, -
The sea's vast space, the earth's wide ball,
Alike proclaim Thee, King of kings!
But man alone, to bounteous Heaven,
Thanksgiving's conscious strains can raise:
To favored man, alone, 'tis given.
To join the angelic choir in praise.
Be Kind to The Poor
Turn not from him, who asks of thee
A portion of thy store;
Poor though in earthly goods thou be,
Thou yet canst give, - what's more,
The balm of comfort thou canst pour
Into his grieving mind,
Who oft is turned from wealth's proud door,
With many a word unkind.
Does any from the false world find
Naught but reproach and scorn?
Does any, stung by words unkind,
Wish that he ne'er was born?
Do thou raise up his drooping heart.
Restore his wounded mind;
Though naught of wealth thou canst impart,
Yet still thou mayest be kind.
And oft again thy words shall wing
Backward their course to thee,
And in thy breast will prove a spring
Of pure felicity.
The Lesson of The Leaves
How do the leaves grow,
In spring, upon their stems?
Oh! the sap swells up with a drop for all,
And that is life to them.
What do the leaves do
Through the long summer hours,
They make a home for the wandering birds,
And shelter the wild flowers.
How do the leaves fade
Beneath the autumn blast?
Oh! they fairer grow before they die,
Their brightest is their last.
We, too, are like leaves,
children! weak and small;
God knows each leaf of the forest shade:
He knows us, each and all.
Never a leaf falls
Until its part is done;
God gives us grace, like sap, and then
Some work to every one.
We, too, must grow old,
Beneath the autumn sky;
But lovelier and brighter our lives may grow
Like leaves before they die.
Brighter with kind deeds,
With love to others given;
Till the leaf falls off from the autumn tree,
And the spirit is in heaven.
Color Joseph asking his brother's for proof
Dear Lord, another day has come.
And through the hours of night,
In a good bed and quiet home
I've slept till morning light.
Then let me give Thee thanks and praise,
For Thou art very good;
Oh, teach my little heart to raise
The prayer that children should.
Keep me this day from faults and sin,
And make me good and mild;
Thy Holy Spirit place within,
Grant grace unto a child.
Help me obey my parents dear,
For they are very kind;
And when the hour of rest draws near,
Another prayer I'll find.
The Orphan's Hymn
Father, - an orphan's prayer receive,
And listen to my plaintive cry:
Thou only canst my wants relieve,
Who art my Father in the sky.
I have no father here below,
No mother kind to wipe my tears, -
These tender names I never know,
To soothe my grief and quell my fears.
But Thou wilt be my parent, - nigh
In every hour of deep distress,
And listen to an orphan's sigh,
And soothe the anguish of my breast.
For Thou hast promised all I need,
More than a father's, mother's care:
Thou wilt the hungry orphan feed,
And always listen to my prayer.
Color Moses as he carries the law...
Miriam watches over baby Moses...
The day is gone, the silent night
Invites me to my peaceful bed;
But, Lord, I know that it is right
To thank Thee, ere I rest my head.
For my good meals and pleasant hours.
That I have had this present day.
Let me exert my infant powers
To praise Thee, nor forget to pray.
Thou art most good. I can't tell all
That Thou hast ever done for me;
My Shepherd, now on Thee I call,
From dangers still preserve me free.
If I've been naughty on this day,
Oh! make me sorry for my fault;
Do Thou forgive, and teach the way
To follow Jesus as I ought.
And now I'll lay me down to rest,
Myself, - my friends, - all safely keep;
May Thy great name be ever blest,
Both when we wake, and when we sleep.
A Moment Too Late!
A moment too late, my beautiful bird, -
A moment too late are you now,
The wind has your soft, downy nest disturbed, -
The nest that you hung on the bough.
A moment too late, - that string in your bill
Would have fastened it firmly and strong;
But see, there it goes rolling over the hill!
Oh! you tarried a moment too long.
A moment too late, - too late, busy bee,
The honey has dropped from the flower;
No use to creep under the petals to see,
It stood ready to drop for an hour.
A moment too late, - had you sped on your wing,
The honey would not have been gone;
But see what a very, - a very sad thing,
'T is to tarry a moment too long.
A little sonnet about little things...
The little, smoky vapors
Produce the drops of rain;
These little drops commingle,
And form the boundless main.
Then, drops compose the fountains:
And little grains of sand
Compose the mighty mountains,
That high above us stand.
The little atoms, it is said.
Compose the solid earth;
Such truths will show, if rightly read,
What little things are worth.
For, as the sea of drops is made,
So it is Heaven's plan.
That atoms should compose the globe,
And actions mark the man.
The little seconds soon pass by,
And leave our time the less;
And on these moments, as they fly,
Hang woe or happiness.
For, as the present hour is spent,
So must the future be;
Each action lives, in its effect.
Through all eternity.
The little sins and follies,
That lead the soul astray,
Leave stains, that tears of penitence,
May never wash away.
And little acts of charity,
And little deeds of love,
May make this world a paradise.
Like to that world above.
Before we close our eyes to-night,
Oh, let us each these questions ask!
Have we endeavored to do right,
Nor thought our duty a hard task?
Have we been gentle, lowly, meek.
And the small voice of conscience heard?
When passion tempted us to speak,
Have we repressed the angry word?
Have we with cheerful zeal obeyed;
What our kind parents bade us do?
And not by word or action said
The thing that was not strictly true?
In hard temptation's troubled hour.
Oh! have we stopped to think and pray,
That God would please to give us power
To chase the naughty thought away?
Oh, Thou! who seest all my heart,
Do Thou forgive and love me siill -
And unto me new strength impart,
And make me love and do Thy will.
Noah builds an altar coloring page...
Wednesday, February 23, 2022
A minute, - how soon it is flown!
And yet, how important it is!
God calls every moment His own, -
For all our existence is His:
And tho' we may waste many moments each day,
He notices each that we squander away.
We should not a minute despise,
Although it so quickly is o'er;
We know that it rapidly flies,
And therefore should prize it the more.
Another, indeed, may appear in its stead;
But that precious minute, for ever, is fled.
'Tis easy to squander our years
In idleness, folly, and strife;
But, oh! no repentance nor tears
Can bring back one moment of life.
Then wisely improve all the time as it goes.
And life will be happy, and peaceful the close.
God Is Love
Lo! the heavens are breaking,
Pure and bright above;
Light and life awaking,
Murmur, "God is love."
Music now is ringing,
Through the leafy grove.
Feathered songsters, singing.
Warble, "God is love."
Wake, my heart, and springing.
Spread thy wings above;
Soaring still, and singing, -
Singing, "God is love."
The Life-Clock
There is a little mystic clock,
No human eye hath seen,
That beateth on, - and beateth on, -
From morning until e'en.
And when the soul is wrapped in sleep,
All silent and alone.
It ticks and ticks the livelong night,
And never runneth down.
Oh! wondrous is that work of art,
Which knells the passing hour;
But art ne'er formed, nor mind conceived,
The life-clock's magic power.
Not set in gold, nor decked with gems,
By wealth and pride possessed;
But rich or poor, or high or low,
Each bears it in his breast.
Such is the clock that measures life, -
Of flesh and spirit blended, -
And thus 'twill run within the breast,
Till that strange life is ended.