Showing posts with label Bible Botanical. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bible Botanical. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Color Parts of The Thyine Tree

Branch with staminal catkins, a single catkin, and
separate scale with four stamens; branch with
fruits, and separate winged seed.

Description of Botanical Coloring Page: Thyine Wood, found in the book of Revelation, held in great esteem by the Romans, and employed for the most expensive furniture, is the wood of an almost leafless cypress, a native of the mountains of the Barbary States, Northern Africa. The branches are jointed, and the leaves are reduced to small sacales at the top of each joint. The resin exuding from the tree is known as gum sandarach. The wood is hard, fragrant, and of a redish-brown color

" The merchandise of gold, and silver, and precious stones, and of pearls, and fine linen, and purple, and silk, and scarlet, and all thyine wood, and all manner vessels of ivory, and all manner vessels of most precious wood, and of brass, and iron, and marble,..."   Revelation 18:12

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Color the Fruits and Branches of The Pistachio Tree

Pistachio Tree. With separate nut.

Description of Botanical Coloring Page: The botnim is the pistachio nut, consists of a bony shell, surrounded by a dry covering, and inclosing a sweet, somewhat oily kernel. This nut is referred to in Genesis.

"And their father Israel said unto them, If it must be so now, do this; take of the best fruits in the land in your vessels, and carry down the man a present, a little balm, and a little honey, spices, and myrrh, nuts, and almonds:'' Genesis 43: 11
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Saturday, April 20, 2024

Color the Balm of Gilead

Description of Botanical Coloring Page: Balm is  an  odoriferous  resin  which  was,  and continues  to  be,  highly  esteemed  in  the  East as  possessing  great  healing  virtues.  It  formed part  of  the  merchandise  which  was  brought  from Gilead  by  the  Ishmaelites  when  on  their  way  to Egypt  they  bought  Joseph  from  his  brethren  at Dothan  (Gen.  37.  25).  A  "little  balm"  was  sent as  a  present  by  Jacob  when  he  reluctantly  allowed Benjamin  to  go  to  Egypt  with  his  brethren,  that his  sons  might  obtain  favor  in  the  eyes  of  the man  in  power  there  (Gen.  43.  11).  It  was  also  an article  of  commerce  between  the  Jews  and  the Tyrians  (Ezek.  27.  17).  Its  medicinal  value  is  referred to  by  Jeremiah  three  times  (8.  22;  46. 11; 51.  8).  There  is  not  much  difference  of  opinion as  to  what  the  substance  was.  The  revisers  have suggested  in  the  margin  of  Gen.  37.  25  that  the balm  was  mastic,  the  resin  of  Pisfacia  lentiscus; but  this  tree  is  a  common  plant  on  the  hills  and along  the  plains  of  Palestine,  and  its  resin  is  not much  valued,  being  chiefly  used  as  a  varnish. The  balm  was  obtained  from  the  stems  of  Balsamodendron  Gileadense,  a  small  tree  belonging properly  to  the  African  flora,  but  found,  like other  African  plants,  in  the  Jordan  valley, though  it  has  long  disappeared  from  Palestine, and  is  not  now  even  cultivated  there.  It  continues to  be  grown  at  Mecca,  and  is  found  wildin  Somali-land.

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Saturday, February 26, 2022

Color the Sycomore That Grows in The Bible Lands

Sycomore. With bunches of fruit.


Description of Botanical Coloring Page: The Sycomore, a fig tree (Ficus sycomorus) with small fruit found in Israel in and near towns. Amos was a gatherer of sycomore fruit (Amos 7. 14). The fruit, though small and of poor quality, was much eaten by the poorer people, and its broad evergreen foliage afforded a welcome shade. The wood was soft and porous, but in Egypt it was extensively used for furniture, doors, boxes, and mummy cases. It should not be confounded with the sycamore, which is a maple, and is not mentioned in the Bible.

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Color the Storax Tree

Storax Tree. With a separate fruit.

Description of the Botanical Coloring Page: Stacte. The translation of nataph in Exodus 30. 34. the Hebrew word means a drop; in Job 36, 27 it is translated "a drop" [of water]: in Exodus it is "a drop" [of sweet spice}, and this is interpreted as stacte; the revisers suggest that this is opobalsamum, but it is generally held to be storax, a gum-resin obtained from the bark of the Storax officinale, the storax tree. This is a showy shrub when covered with a profusion of white flowers. It is commonly found in thickets and on moutains to a height of four thousand feet.

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Color Spikenard

Spikenard. With separate flower, open corolla and fruit.
Description of Botanical Coloring Page: A perfume made from the odoriferous roots of a plant growing high up on the Himalayas. It belongs to the same family as the valerian, the plant of which are usually strong-scented or aromatic herbs. The spikenard was belived to be true valerian growning in Crete, but it is now generally taken to be Nardostachys jatamansi, which has been from the earliest times exported from India. By the time it reached the Middle East from the heights of the Himalayas it have become very costly, and the alabaster cruse of ointment, consisting of genuine nard, was so precious that it might have been sold for three hundred Roman pence (Mark 14: 3-5). The revisers in the margin say, "Gr. pistic nard, pistic being perhaps a local name. Others take it to mean genuine; others liquid." There is no eveidence that such a local name was ever used, and there seems no reason for setting aside the root meaning of pistic.

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Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Color Bunches of Dates

Dates, fruits and leaf.

Description of Botanical Coloring Page: Palm is a general name for a whole family of plants, but in Scripture referring to a single species, the tree that produces dates as its fruit. The date-palm still finds suitable conditions for its growth along the shores of the Mediterranean and in the Jordan valley, but in former times it was more widely spread over Israel. Phoenicia was named after this palm (Phoenix-dacty-lifera). Bethany means the house of dates, and other places had names connected with the palm. The date-palm has a long columnar stem, rough with the bases of the old leaves, and terminating in a crown of large pinnate leaves, popularly called branches. The dates are borne in great bunches, springing out from the bases of the leaves. At first the flowers are enclosed in a spathe, which opens to permit the escape of the flowers. The staminate flowers grow on different trees from those bearing the pistils, which become the fruit.

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Learn about dates in Israel.

Color Saffron Crocus

Saffron Crocus. With the pistil and
its three-cleft style separate.

Description of Botanical Coloring Page: Saffron is mentioned only in the Song of Solomon 4:14 as one of the perfume plants of the garden. The saffron is a purple-flowered crocus which blossoms in the autumn, having produced its leaves in the spring. It is a common plant in Israel. The saffron of commerce consists of the yellow stamens and style of the flower, which possess a penetrating aromatic odor; it is used as a flavoring and coloring material in cooking, and is also eaten raw.

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Color Rue

Rue. With separate flower and fruit.

Description of Botanical Coloring Page: The Lord rebukes the Pharisees for tithing trifling objects like rue, while neglecting the weighty matters of the law in Luke 11:42. There is a wild rue found in Israel, and the officinal rue was cultivated because of its supposed medicinal properties. The powerful, fetid odor is due to a volatile oil in the leaves. Rue is somewhat shrubby plant, two or three feet high, with much divided leaves and small yellowish flowers.

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Color the Branches of The Shittah Tree

Shittah Tree. With a single flower and pod.

Description of Botanical Coloring Page: The shittah tree or shittim wood is only mentioned in the prophecy of Isaiah 41:19 in reference to the prosperity of Israel when the desert will be covered with vegetation. The wood was used in the construction and fittings of the Tabernacle. The tree is a species of acacia (A. seyal), growing to the height of fifteen or twenty feet, with angular-twisted branches, elegant feathery leaves, and clusters of small flowers, followed by many curved and tapering pods. The wood is very hard, close-grained, and orange-red in color. It grows in the valleys about the Dead Sea and in the desert southwards. In the R.V. shittah and shittim are rendered acacia.

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Friday, February 11, 2022

Color Wild Gourd

The wild gourd with a whole fruit, and one in section.
Description of Botanical Coloring Page: The gourd is  a  poisonous  fruit  which  grew  on  a"wild  vine"  at  Gilgal  (2  Kings 4: 38-41). Elisha who traveled much over Palestine, had with him a company of the ''sons of the prophets,'' who, at his command, filled a pot with vegetables to prepare for themselves a pottage. One found a wild vine in a field, and collected the gourds growning on it. Not knowing what they were, and supposing that they were fit for the pot, he shred  them  in.  When  the  pottage  was  served  it was  found  to  be  poisonous,  and  on  appeal  to Elisha,  he  miraculously  made  the  pottage  harmless. The  plant  that  best  fits  this  narrative  is  the colocynth,  which  has  a  stem  creeping  along  the ground,  with  triangular  leaves,  and  long  straggling tendrils  like  the  vine.  The  fruit  is  round, of  a  tempting  appearance,  mottled  with  green on a yellow ground, but it's pulpy interior has a nauseous taste, bitter as gall. It is found in sandy places near the Mediterranean and the Dead Sea. To a student from Shunem or Bethel it would be an unknown but attractive fruit.
       It seems very probable that this is the plant called in Deut. 32:32 " the vine of Sodom," which bore "grapes of gall," and that the rosh frequently referred to in Scripture under the name of  "gall" was also the colocynth. The rosh was a poisonous plant (Deut. 29:18), from which was obtained "water of gall." The medical qualities of the colocynth pill are derived from a watery extract of the bitter pulp of this gourd.
       The gourd that protected Jonah was some climbing plant of the same order as the wild gourd, which grew rapidly, and perished as quickly (Jonah 4:6-10). It could not be the palm-crist or castor-oil plant, as that is not an arbor tree, and would not accord with the narrative.
       The knops (knobs) carved in cedar wood which ornamented Solomon's Temple were probably cut in the shape of the gourd, as suggested by the revisers in the marginal note to 1 Kings 6:18.

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Color the Carob Tree Plant

The Carob tree branch with separate flower, pod and two seeds.

Description of Botanical Coloring Pages:  The revisers  have  inserted  in the  margin  of  Luke  15: 16,  "the  pods  of  the  carob tree"  for  "husks"  in  the  text.  The  husks  were the  pods  of  Ceratonia siliqua,  small  tree  which grows  in  the  countries  bordering  on  the  Mediterranean. The  pods  are  from  six  to  twelve inches  long,  about  an  inch  broad,  and  of  a  shining  purplish-brown   color,   containing    several seeds,  separated  from  each  other  by  a  fleshy pulp.  From  the  large  quantity  of  sweet  mucilage they  contain,  they  form  a  good  and  agreeable food  for  animals,  and  are  largely  exported as  a  feeding  stuff  for  stock.  The  pods  are  sometimes called locust  beans  and  St.  John's  bread, from  the  notion  that  they  were  used  as  food  by John  the  Baptist;  but  this  is  an  error.

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Color the Caper Plant

Caper plant in bloom.


Description of Botanical Coloring Page: (R. V. Eccl. 12:5) In the remarkable description of old age (Eccl. 12:5) the revisers have put into the text "the caper-berry shall fail." and placed "desire" in the margin. The flower-bud, preserved in vinegar, is largely used as a stimulating condiment in food. The caper is an abundant shrub in parts of the Middle East, found on walls and rocks. It has ovate, smooth leaves, with two little spines at their base, showy flowers, and oval fruit. 

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Wednesday, February 9, 2022

Color Camphire or Henna

Camphire  or  Henna.
Separate  flower,  fruit,  and  seeds.
Description of Botanical Coloring Page: Camphire,  the  Hebrew  copher,  is  mentioned in  the  Song  of  Solomon  (1: 14),  "My  beloved  is  unto  me as  a  cluster  of  camphire  in  the  vineyards  of En-gedi; " also  in  4:13.  Camphire  is  an  old  form of  the  word  camphor.  The  revisers  have  substituted "henna"  in  those  texts.  Henna  (Lawso- nia  alba)  is  a  shrub  found  in  Northern  Africa,  and in  Asia  from  Syria  to  India.  It  bears  numerous small,  white,  sweet-smelling  flowers  in  large clusters.  But  the  plant  has  been  from  remote antiquity  famous  as  a  cosmetic,  being  used  to give  a  reddish-orange  stain  to  the  nails,  tips  of the  fingers,  palms  of  the  hand,  and  soles  of  the feet.  The  young  stems  and  leaves  are  reduced to  a  powder,  and  when  used,  are  made  into  a paste  with  hot  water,  and  applied  for  a  night  to the  parts  to  be  stained.  The  stain  of  the  henna has  been  detected  on  Egyptian  mummies.
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Color Lemon Grass

Lemon grass with separate spikelet.
Description of Botanical Coloring Page: Calamus was a chief spice used as an ingredient in the holy anointing oil (Exodus 30:25). It was imported into the Holy Land, and sold in the markets of Tyre (Ezekiel 27:19). If Vedan and Javan, from which it seems to have been brought, were, as is usually supposed, islands of the Mediterranean, it may have been the sweet sedge (Acorus calamus), which was probably introduced very early into Europe from India. Its underground stem is fragrant, and enters into many compounds of the perfumer. The calamus may, however, have been one of the sweet-scented lemon-grasses of India. These grasses have a strong aromatic odor. The base of the stem and roots are at the present day made into fans, or woven into screens or mats, and mush used in India and elsewhere, because they give off for a long time the fragrance of the plant.

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Color Cassia Cinnamon

Cassia Cinnamon.
Description of Botanical Coloring Page: Cassia is one  of  the  ingredients  of  the  holy anointing  oil  (Exodus  30:  24),  and  not  the  same as cinnamon,  which  was  another  ingredient.  Some, however,  hold  that  cassia  was  obtained  from another  species  of  cinnamon,  and  that  the  barks of  both  Cinnamomum zeylanicum and C. cassia were  used  in  making  the  holy  oil.  It  is  more probable  that  the  revisers  are  right  when  they suggest  in  the  margin  that  the  plant  is  costus. This  is  obtained  from  an  Indian  composite  plant called  Aplotaxis lappa,  which  grows  on  the mountains  of  the  Cashmere  Valley,  where  the aromatic  root  is  largely  dug  up  in  the  autumn, and  is  exported  to  China  to  be  used  as  an  ingredient in  the  incense  in  the  temples.  It  is specified  as  one  of  the  articles  of  Syrian  commerce (Ezekiel 27:19).  The  cassia  of Psalms 45: 8  is  the translation  of  another  Hebrew  word,  but  most probably  it  refers  to  the  same  plant. 

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Color Branches from The Chestnut Tree

Separate staminal flower with one petal, and below separate pistil with one petal.

Description of Botanical Coloring Page: The chestnut tree in the R. V. this is translated plane-tree, and there is little doubt that the Oriental plane is the tree meant. It is tall and majestic tree, growing near water in Palestine. From the globular form of the flowers and fruits it is often called button-tree.

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Color Coriander

Coriander with flower and fruit variations.


Description of Botanical Coloring Page: Coriander  is  only  referred  to  in  the  description of  the  manna  (Exodus.  10:  31,  and  Numbers  11: 7),  as a  familiar  object  which  the  manna  resembled. The  coriander  is  very  common  in  grain  fields in the Middle East.  It  was  cultivated  in  Egypt  to  give  a flavor  to  bread,  and  was  probably  used  for  this purpose  also  by  the  Jews.  The  plant  is  cultivated for  its  aromatic  seeds  (or  rather  fruits), which  are  used  for  flavoring  curries,  etc.

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Color Cummin

Cummin with separate flower, fruit and section.

Description of the Botanical Coloring Page: Cumin is the  aromatic  fruit  of  an  umbelliferous plant,  used  as  a  condiment.  The  leaves are  somewhat  like  fennel,  and  the  fruits  have several  ridges  covered  with  prickly  hairs.  The volatile  oil  is  contained  in  six  channels.  The fruits  (popularly  seeds)  were  separated  from  the plant  by  being  "beaten  with  a  rod"  (Isaiah 28: 25, 27).  The  Savior  charged  the  scribes  and  Pharisees with  punctiliously  tithing  the  cummin (Matthew 23: 23),  which  was  only  inferentialy  included in  the Levitical  law,  while  they  omitted the  weightier  matters  of  the  law.

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Color Cinnamon

Cinnamon with separate fruit.

Description of Botanical Coloring Page: Cinnamon is a very aromatic bark obtained from a tree which is native of Ceylon India, and  Malaya.  It  was  one  of  the  ingredients  in  the holy  anointing  oil  (Exodus 30:  23),  and  was  used  to perfume  beds  (Proverbs  7: 17).  The  tree  grows  to  a height  of  thirty  feet,  and  has  oval  leaves  and numerous  small  flowers.  An  essential  oil  is  obtained from  the  leaves  and  bark  by  distillation. The  trees  are  pollarded  so  as  to  produce  numerous erect shoots,  from  which  the  bark  is  peeled.

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