Branch with staminal catkins, a single catkin, and separate scale with four stamens; branch with fruits, and separate winged seed. |
Wednesday, January 22, 2025
Color Parts of The Thyine Tree
Color the Fruits and Branches of The Pistachio Tree
Pistachio Tree. With separate nut. |
- Medieval Egyptian Bread with Pistachios and Almonds
- Pesto with Pistachios from Kitchen on the Cliff
- Ancient Secrets of Wild Pistachios by the Hut
Saturday, April 20, 2024
Color the Balm of Gilead
Saturday, February 26, 2022
Color the Sycomore That Grows in The Bible Lands
Sycomore. With bunches of fruit. |
Description of Botanical Coloring Page: The Sycomore, a fig tree (Ficus sycomorus) with small fruit found in Israel in and near towns. Amos was a gatherer of sycomore fruit (Amos 7. 14). The fruit, though small and of poor quality, was much eaten by the poorer people, and its broad evergreen foliage afforded a welcome shade. The wood was soft and porous, but in Egypt it was extensively used for furniture, doors, boxes, and mummy cases. It should not be confounded with the sycamore, which is a maple, and is not mentioned in the Bible.
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Color the Storax Tree
Storax Tree. With a separate fruit. |
Description of the Botanical Coloring Page: Stacte. The translation of nataph in Exodus 30. 34. the Hebrew word means a drop; in Job 36, 27 it is translated "a drop" [of water]: in Exodus it is "a drop" [of sweet spice}, and this is interpreted as stacte; the revisers suggest that this is opobalsamum, but it is generally held to be storax, a gum-resin obtained from the bark of the Storax officinale, the storax tree. This is a showy shrub when covered with a profusion of white flowers. It is commonly found in thickets and on moutains to a height of four thousand feet.
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Color Spikenard
Spikenard. With separate flower, open corolla and fruit. |
Wednesday, February 23, 2022
Color Bunches of Dates
Dates, fruits and leaf. |
Description of Botanical Coloring Page: Palm is a general name for a whole family of plants, but in Scripture referring to a single species, the tree that produces dates as its fruit. The date-palm still finds suitable conditions for its growth along the shores of the Mediterranean and in the Jordan valley, but in former times it was more widely spread over Israel. Phoenicia was named after this palm (Phoenix-dacty-lifera). Bethany means the house of dates, and other places had names connected with the palm. The date-palm has a long columnar stem, rough with the bases of the old leaves, and terminating in a crown of large pinnate leaves, popularly called branches. The dates are borne in great bunches, springing out from the bases of the leaves. At first the flowers are enclosed in a spathe, which opens to permit the escape of the flowers. The staminate flowers grow on different trees from those bearing the pistils, which become the fruit.
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Color Saffron Crocus
Saffron Crocus. With the pistil and its three-cleft style separate. |
Description of Botanical Coloring Page: Saffron is mentioned only in the Song of Solomon 4:14 as one of the perfume plants of the garden. The saffron is a purple-flowered crocus which blossoms in the autumn, having produced its leaves in the spring. It is a common plant in Israel. The saffron of commerce consists of the yellow stamens and style of the flower, which possess a penetrating aromatic odor; it is used as a flavoring and coloring material in cooking, and is also eaten raw.
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Color Rue
Rue. With separate flower and fruit. |
Description of Botanical Coloring Page: The Lord rebukes the Pharisees for tithing trifling objects like rue, while neglecting the weighty matters of the law in Luke 11:42. There is a wild rue found in Israel, and the officinal rue was cultivated because of its supposed medicinal properties. The powerful, fetid odor is due to a volatile oil in the leaves. Rue is somewhat shrubby plant, two or three feet high, with much divided leaves and small yellowish flowers.
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Color the Branches of The Shittah Tree
Shittah Tree. With a single flower and pod. |
Description of Botanical Coloring Page: The shittah tree or shittim wood is only mentioned in the prophecy of Isaiah 41:19 in reference to the prosperity of Israel when the desert will be covered with vegetation. The wood was used in the construction and fittings of the Tabernacle. The tree is a species of acacia (A. seyal), growing to the height of fifteen or twenty feet, with angular-twisted branches, elegant feathery leaves, and clusters of small flowers, followed by many curved and tapering pods. The wood is very hard, close-grained, and orange-red in color. It grows in the valleys about the Dead Sea and in the desert southwards. In the R.V. shittah and shittim are rendered acacia.
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Friday, February 11, 2022
Color Wild Gourd
The wild gourd with a whole fruit, and one in section. |
It seems very probable that this is the plant called in Deut. 32:32 " the vine of Sodom," which bore "grapes of gall," and that the rosh frequently referred to in Scripture under the name of "gall" was also the colocynth. The rosh was a poisonous plant (Deut. 29:18), from which was obtained "water of gall." The medical qualities of the colocynth pill are derived from a watery extract of the bitter pulp of this gourd.
The gourd that protected Jonah was some climbing plant of the same order as the wild gourd, which grew rapidly, and perished as quickly (Jonah 4:6-10). It could not be the palm-crist or castor-oil plant, as that is not an arbor tree, and would not accord with the narrative.
The knops (knobs) carved in cedar wood which ornamented Solomon's Temple were probably cut in the shape of the gourd, as suggested by the revisers in the marginal note to 1 Kings 6:18.
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Color the Carob Tree Plant
The Carob tree branch with separate flower, pod and two seeds. |
Description of Botanical Coloring Pages: The revisers have inserted in the margin of Luke 15: 16, "the pods of the carob tree" for "husks" in the text. The husks were the pods of Ceratonia siliqua, small tree which grows in the countries bordering on the Mediterranean. The pods are from six to twelve inches long, about an inch broad, and of a shining purplish-brown color, containing several seeds, separated from each other by a fleshy pulp. From the large quantity of sweet mucilage they contain, they form a good and agreeable food for animals, and are largely exported as a feeding stuff for stock. The pods are sometimes called locust beans and St. John's bread, from the notion that they were used as food by John the Baptist; but this is an error.
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Color the Caper Plant
Caper plant in bloom. |
Description of Botanical Coloring Page: (R. V. Eccl. 12:5) In the remarkable description of old age (Eccl. 12:5) the revisers have put into the text "the caper-berry shall fail." and placed "desire" in the margin. The flower-bud, preserved in vinegar, is largely used as a stimulating condiment in food. The caper is an abundant shrub in parts of the Middle East, found on walls and rocks. It has ovate, smooth leaves, with two little spines at their base, showy flowers, and oval fruit.
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Wednesday, February 9, 2022
Color Camphire or Henna
Camphire or Henna. Separate flower, fruit, and seeds. |
Color Lemon Grass
Lemon grass with separate spikelet. |
Color Cassia Cinnamon
Cassia Cinnamon. |
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Color Branches from The Chestnut Tree
Color Coriander
Coriander with flower and fruit variations. |
Description of Botanical Coloring Page: Coriander is only referred to in the description of the manna (Exodus. 10: 31, and Numbers 11: 7), as a familiar object which the manna resembled. The coriander is very common in grain fields in the Middle East. It was cultivated in Egypt to give a flavor to bread, and was probably used for this purpose also by the Jews. The plant is cultivated for its aromatic seeds (or rather fruits), which are used for flavoring curries, etc.
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Color Cummin
Cummin with separate flower, fruit and section. |
Description of the Botanical Coloring Page: Cumin is the aromatic fruit of an umbelliferous plant, used as a condiment. The leaves are somewhat like fennel, and the fruits have several ridges covered with prickly hairs. The volatile oil is contained in six channels. The fruits (popularly seeds) were separated from the plant by being "beaten with a rod" (Isaiah 28: 25, 27). The Savior charged the scribes and Pharisees with punctiliously tithing the cummin (Matthew 23: 23), which was only inferentialy included in the Levitical law, while they omitted the weightier matters of the law.
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Color Cinnamon
Cinnamon with separate fruit. |
Description of Botanical Coloring Page: Cinnamon is a very aromatic bark obtained from a tree which is native of Ceylon India, and Malaya. It was one of the ingredients in the holy anointing oil (Exodus 30: 23), and was used to perfume beds (Proverbs 7: 17). The tree grows to a height of thirty feet, and has oval leaves and numerous small flowers. An essential oil is obtained from the leaves and bark by distillation. The trees are pollarded so as to produce numerous erect shoots, from which the bark is peeled.
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