Friday, March 14, 2025

Collage, Cut and Assemble a "Love Bug"

      This crafty caterpillar or "love bug" can be made from collaged stickers and pink tissue papers. Layer these with Mod Podge on top of a bright white background paper in order to make the colors brilliant. Let the glue dry before cutting out a series of heart shapes. I cut 14 hearts for this example. Then assemble and glue the hearts front to back in a long eruciform type body. Glue on a set of eyes and antenna from chenille stems. Your love bug(s) may then crawl all over the classroom walls or bulletin boards!

Left, the cut heart segments from the collage sheet. Right, face details of the teacher sample.

Left, the materials used to make the collage sheet. Right, the collage in progress.

Buggy Valentines:

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