Friday, March 14, 2025

Craft a "Noah's Ark" paper plate pocket

"Noah's Ark" made using two paper plates; it will hold a paper animal menagerie
and Noah's family of course! 

       You will need the following supplies to make this ark craft: two paper plates, a stapler, magic markers, scissors and white school glue.

Step-by-Step Instructions:

  1. Draw a line through the center of the first paper plate. Color the lower half black and the upper half with the top of the ark, sky and rainbow.
  2. Cut the second paper plate in half exactly and put the upper portion away for a future paper plate craft. You will only be using the bottom portion to complete this ark "pocket."
  3. Turn the pocket over and color the back side of it so that once the ark has been colored and assembled there will be a distinctive pocket.
  4. Cut three identical portholes for the side of the ark.
  5. Next draw and color in the ark's hull a wood pattern just like the topsides.
  6. On the rim of the paper plate draw and color water waves.
  7. Squeeze out a thin line of white school glue around the lower pocket and then also staple it around the edges of both paper plates to create a pocket for paper dolls and/or finger puppets.
  8. The dark interior of the ark should "show" through the portholes if you have attached the pockets correctly. 
  9. You may wish to attach a string on the back of your paper plate ark pocket just behind the rainbow so that a child may hang it from a hook or nail in the wall of their room. 

See the interior of the pocket made by attaching two paper plates at the bottom, the second
cut in half to form the hull of the ship.

Go and see the entire video below.

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