Thursday, March 13, 2025

Easter Booklet Craft for Spring Poems

Teacher's samples of the book covers or card designs.

       To make these Easter gift cards or booklets you will need the following supplies: typing paper, home printer, pencil for tracing, white watercolor paper, a set of watercolors and a black permanent fine tipped pen for outlining the designs.

Step-by-Step Instructions:

  1. Print out the black and white template below, enlarging the patterns as much as possible on a white piece of typing paper.
  2. Cut out the designs carefully.
  3. Fold a piece of watercolor paper in half lengthwise and trace around each card or the one design of your own choosing. Make sure the folded edge of the paper is even with the vertical,  left side of each card design.
  4. Cut out the design leaving the folded left half sides intact so that the flower cover opens and has both an identical front and back. 
  5. Trace the inside features of each Spring flower by placing the white watercolor paper over the designs while holding the papers against a back-lit window or on top of a light box.
  6. Watercolor the flowers however you want to with either jewel tone colors or pastel hues. 
  7. Insert extra pages inside the covers and staple these in place on the edge of the left hand fold.
  8. Copy a lovely Easter poem or two and a private message about the holiday or person you are remembering.
Three different floral designs for the Easter project shown above include: daffodils and tulips.

"Consider the Lilies" sung by Anita & Sonica
Lullaby based upon scripture from Matthew 6:28-30

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