Showing posts with label Bible Botanical. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bible Botanical. Show all posts

Saturday, February 5, 2022

Color Cypress

Cypress. With separate staminate catkin. Click
on the image to download the largest file.
Description of the Botanical Coloring Page: Cypress  translation  of  the  Hebrew word  tirzah  (Isaiah  44:  14),  rendered  by  the  revisers holm-tree  (Quercus ilex).  In  other  places  the  revisers have  introduced  cypress  into  the  margin  as the  translation  of  berosh,  usually  rendered "fir" [q.v.] There  seems  no  ground  for  introducing the  holm-oak  into  the  text  in  Isaiah.  The  cypress (Cupressus  sempervirens)  is  a  common  tree  in the  uplands  of  the Middle East,  producing  a  compact and  very  durable  wood.  A  variety  of  the  same species  (with  the  conical  appearance  of  the  Irish yew)  is  planted  everywhere  in  Eastern  cemeteries.

Don't forget to drag the png. or jpg into a Word Document and enlarge the image as much as possible before printing it folks. If you have a question about this coloring page, just type into the comment box located directly below this post and I'll try to get back to you as soon as I can.

Friday, February 4, 2022

Color the Spiny Rest-Harrow Plant

Spiny Rest-Harrow. With separate flower and fruit. Click on the image to 
download the largest file.

Description of Botanical Coloring Page: Three  species  of lycium,  shrubs  covered  with  spines,  occur  in Palestine,  and  are  used  for  hedges.  Several species  of  rest-harrow  (Ononis),  some  of  them spiny  like  O. pinosa,  occur  in  Palestine. Hasselquist found one, which he referred to this species, covering whole fields there. 

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Color Christ's Thorn Plant

Christ's Thorn, branch  in  flower  and  a  separate 
flower; branch  in  fruit - 
the  fruit  has  a  broad  thin
  brim. Click on image to download the largest file size.

Description of Botanical Coloring Page: Bramble, Brier, Thistle, Thorn, are represented by nine Hebrew words in the Old Testament,  and  three  Greek  words  in  the  NewTestament.  Some  of  these  may  refer  to  particular plants ;  but  they  seem  rather to  be  general  terms applied  to  plants  that  may  have  no  connection with  each  other,  except  that  they  all  bear  spines. Such  plants  form  a  considerable  portion  of  the flora  of  Palestine.  The  most  frequent  of  them is  a  knapweed  with  great  spines  proceeding  from the  involucre  of  the  flower  (Centaurea calcitrapa).  Another  is  the  Christ's  thorn,  so  called because  it  is  traditionally  said  to  have  supplied the  materials  of  the  crown  of  thorns  (Pliurau aculeatus),  a  straggling  shrub  with  prickles  at the  base  of  the  leaves,  common  everywhere,  and much  used  for  hedges.  Two  other  spiny  plants are  found  in  the  lower  end  of  the  Jordan  valley, Solanum Sodomoeum,  whose  leaves  and  stems  are covered  with  sliarp  prickles,  and  the  most  formidable of  all,  Zisyphus spina Christi.  Thisproduces  a  roundish  edible fruit,  which  has  given to  it  the  name  of  jujube  tree.  Three  species  of lycium,  shrubs  covered  with  spines,  occur  in Palestine,  and  are  used  for  hedges.  Several species  of  rest-harrow  (Ononis),  some  of  them spiny  like  O. pinosa,  occur  in  Palestine. Hasselquist found one, which he referred to this species, covering whole fields there. 

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Color the Jujube Tree

Jujube Tree, with separate flower and fruits. Click on image to 
download the largest size.

Description of Botanical Coloring Page: Zizyphus sipna Christi, produces a roundish edible fruit, which has given to it the name of Jujube tree.
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Thursday, February 3, 2022

Color a Cluster of Figs

With a fruit cut down the center to show the 
small flowers in the cavity. Click on the image
to download the largest file.
Description of Botanical Coloring Page: Fig  is  frequently  mentioned  in  Scripture. The  fig  (Ficus  carica)  is  indigenous  to  the Middle East; several  varieties  of  the  wild fig  occur,  as  well  as of  those  under  cultivation.  The  so-called  fruit is  a  hollow,  fleshy  receptacle,  at  first  containing a  great  number  of  minute  flowers  lining  its  cavity, which  later  produce  the  true  fruits  (''seeds  "). These  figs  appear  in  February  before  the  leaves, which  do  not  cover  the  tree  until  a  month  or  six weeks  later.  When  the  leaves  are  fully  out,  the fruits  should  be  ripe  (Matthew  21: 19).  Several  Hebrew words  are  used  for  "figs"  teenah  (Genesis  3:  7) is  the  name  of  the  tree;  pag (Song  of  Solomon  2:  13)  is the  unripened  autumn  fruit  which  remains  on the  tree  through  the  winter  (Bethphage,  the village  near  Bethanv,  is  the  "house  of  green figs'");  bikkurah  (Hosea  9:  10)  is  the  first  ripe  fig; and  debelah (1.  Samuel 25:18)  is  the  dried  figs  made into  cakes,  a  staple  food  in  Palestine.    There  are two  species  of  figs  found  in  the  Holy Land,  the common  fig  and  the  sycomore  [q.v.].

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Color Flax

With  separate  flower  cut  down  the  centre,  the  two  rows  of
unequal  stamens,  the  fruit,  and  a  seed. Click on the image to 
download the largest file size.

Description of Botanical Coloring Page: Flax  is  the  earliest  material  known  to  have been  manufactured  for  clothing  purposes.  The mummies  of  Egypt  were  always  wrapped  up  in linen; and  in  the  sculptures  on  Egyptian  temples the  cultivation  of  flax,  and  the  processes  of  preparation, spinning,  and  weaving  linen  are  represented. Linen  was  used  for  the  curtains  and hangings  of  the  Tabernacle  (Exodus  26),  and  for  the ephod,  breastplate,  coat,  breeches,  girdle,  bonnet, and  mitre  of  the  high-priest  (Exodus.  27-29).  The body  of  the  Lord  was  wrapped  in  linen  cloths before  being  laid  in  the  grave  (John  19. 40,  and  20: 5,  7).  Flax  is an  annual  plant,  which  has  a  quantity of  fine,  tough  fibers  in  its  stem.  It  is  still cultivated  in  the Middle East,  and  the  species  used  for making  linen  may  be  found  as  an  escape  from cultivation  growing  on  hillsides.  It  ripened earlier  than  the  wheat,  and  suffered  with  the barley  in  the  plague  of  hail,  for  it  was  full-grown,  and  the  flowers  were  open  (Exodus  9.  31).

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Color the Mandrake Plant

Mandrake. With  separate  fruit,  and  root.
Click directly on the image to download 
largest size.

Description of Botanical Coloring Page: Mandrake  occurs  in  two  passages  in  the Bible  (Genesis  30:14;  Song  of  Solomon  7: 13),  in  connection with  its  imaginary  virtues  in  love  incantations, for  which  it  has  been  long  and  widely  famous. The  mandrake  is  a  stemless  plant,  with  a large  and  branching  root,  dark-green  leaves,  and a  yellow  fruit  about  the  size  of  a  large  plum.  Its affinities  are  with  the  potato  and  nightshade. The  root,  somewhat  manipulated,  may  be  made to  look  a  little  like  the  human  figure.  The  revisers have  in  the  margin  of  Genesis  30: 14  suggested "love-apple,"  but  this  is  only  applied  to the  tomato,  an  American  plant.  The  mandrake is  common  throughout  Palestine,  especially  in deserted  fields.

Don't forget to drag the png. or jpg. into a Word Document and enlarge the image as much as possible before printing it folks. If you have a question about this coloring page, just type into the comment box located directly below this post and I'll try to get back to you as soon as I can.

Color a Melon from The Bible Lands

Click directly on the image to
download the largest size

Description of Botanical Coloring Page: Melons  were  lusted  after  by  the  Israelites  in the  wilderness,  with  other  articles  of  food  which they  had  in  Egvpt  (Numbers  11: 5).  Melons  were early  cultivated  in  Egypt.  The  water-melon,  on account  of  its  abundant  refreshing  juice,  was  a great  favorite  there,  as  it  is  to-day  in  most countries  that  have  a  hot  dry  summer.  The common  melon  was  also  cultivated  and  supplied a  certain  amount  of  food,  with  a  sweeter  though less  abundant  juice.  The  Hebrew  word  is abattechem,  and  this  is  still  retained  by  the  Arabs, who  call  both  melons  batteekh.

Don't forget to drag the png. or jpg. into a Word Document and enlarge the image as much as possible before printing it folks. If you have a question about this coloring page, just type into the comment box located directly below this post and I'll try to get back to you as soon as I can.

Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Color the Gall Oak

Gall Oak. With figure of the fly that causes the gall. Click directly on the
image to download the largest file

Description of Botanical Coloring Page: The Gall Oak (Quercus infectoria) is found on the hills and mountains in the north of Palestine. It is a small tree, well known for the galls it bears. These are produced by a small fly (cynips), which lays its eggs in the bark of the tender branches. The galls were largely used in the manufacture of ink in ancient times. The second word el, translated "oak" refers, when it means a tree (as in Isaiah 1:29), to the teil tree [q.v.].
Don't forget to drag the png. or jpg. into a Word Document and enlarge the image as much as possible before printing it folks. If you have a question about this coloring page, just type into the comment box located directly below this post and I'll try to get back to you as soon as I can.

Monday, January 31, 2022

Color Mustard that Grows In The Bible Lands

Mustard. With  a  separate  fruit,  a  fruit  in
 section,  and  a  seed. Click on image to 
download largest size.
Description of Botanical Coloring Page: Mustard is  mentioned  only  in  a  parable  of the  Lord  (Mat.  13.  31,  32),  where  the  largeness  of the  plant  grown  from  the  very  small  seed  is  used as  an  illustration  of  the  increase  of  the  kingdom of  heaven.  It  is,  no  doubt,  the  annual  herb  from which  is  obtained  the  mustard  used  as  a  condiment. This  grows  in  Palestine,  and  attains  a greater  height  in  the  East  than  in  more  temperate countries.  It  has  been  suggested  that  the small  tree  Salvadora  persica  which  has  a  pungent fruit,  might  be  the  mustard  of Scripture, and  it  has  consequently  received  the  name  of "mustard-tree."  This tree  is  found  in  Palestine only  around  the  Dead  Sea,  being  a native  of regions  farther  east.  The  common  mustard meets  all  the  requirements  of  the  text,  while the  mustard-tree  could  not  be  spoken  of  as  "the greatest  among  herbs."

Don't forget to drag the png. or jpg. into a Word Document and enlarge the image as much as possible before printing it folks. If you have a question about this coloring page, just type into the comment box located directly below this post and I'll try to get back to you as soon as I can.

Color Millet from The Bible Lands

Millet with separate grain, staminate, and
 pistillate flowers. Click on image to 
download the largest version.

Description of Botanical Coloring Page: Millet, a name for several small-seeded cereals, which supply a large amount of food in tropical and sub-tropical countries. With wheat, barley, beans, lentils, and spelt, it formed the bread which Ezekiel was ordered to make (Ezekiel 4:9). The species most frequently cultivated is Panicum miliaceum, but the name is given to other species of Panicum. Indian millet belongs to another genus, being Sorghum vulgare.
Don't forget to drag the png. or jpg. into a Word Document and enlarge the image as much as possible before printing it folks. If you have a question about this coloring page, just type into the comment box located directly below this post and I'll try to get back to you as soon as I can.

Color Frankincense

Frankincense  Tree. With  separate  flower  and 
 fruit,  and  section  of  a  fruit. Click to enlarge
and download file.
Description of Botanical Coloring Page: Frankincense is one of  the  ingredients of  the  holy  oil  for  anointing  priests  at  their  consecration (Exodus 30: 34).  It  was  to  be  added  to  the meat  offering,  and  to  be  burnt  on  the  altar  as  an offering  of  sweet  savor  (Leviticus  2: 2).   The  tree  producing this odoriferous gum-resin  was  not  a  native of Palestine. The  dromedaries  of  Midian,  Ephah,  and Sheba  (Jeremiah  6: 20)  brought  it  to the  Jews, so that it appears to have come from Arabia. There  can  be  no  doubt  that  it  was  ontained from trees named Boswellia, which grow in Arabia and in Somali-land --the part of Africa opposite to Arabia.  The trees  have  compound, glossy leaves, and numerous small white, starlike flowers.
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Color the Almond Plant

Flower  and  fruit,  and  a  single  fruit  with 
half  the  fleshy  cov
ering removed  to  show
  the  stone  which  contains  the  kernel.
Click on the image to download largest file.

Description of the Botanical Coloring Page:  The  common  almond  (Amyridalus communis), indigenous  in  the  Mediterranean region,  and  cultivated  in  sub-tropical  countries, is  well  known from  the  early  appearance  of  its flowers,  as  if  they  were  waiting  for  the  milder weather  to  open  their  buds.  The  leafless  branches covered  with  beautiful  pink  flowers  are  among the  first  harbingers of  spring.  The Hebrew name shaked, meaning to hasten or watch, is given  to the  tree  on  this  account.  There  is  a  play on the meaning of the word in  Jeremiah.  1:11, 12.  In  answerto  God's  question,  the  prophet  says,  "I see a rod of an almond tree  [shaked];  "and the  Lord  said, "Thou  hast  well  seen,  for  I  watch  [shaked] over my word to perform  it."  The almond grows wild on  he  higher lands of Palestine, blossoming in January.  Many  varieties  are  cultivated  - the chief  being  the  bitter  and  the  sweet  almond. There  are  frequent  references  to  this  tree  in  the Bible.  Jacob  sent  almonds  as  part  of  his  gift  to Joseph  (Gen.  43.  11).  The  bowls  of  the  golden candlestick  were  designed  from  the  flower  (Exodus 35: 33-35).  When  the  Israelites  rose  against  Moses and  Aaron,  the  Lord  manifested  his  choice  of Aaron  by  causing  his  rod  miraculously  to  bear buds  and  blossoms  and  fruits  before  the morning. In  nature  it  is  first  the  bud,  then  the  flower, and  afterwards  the  fruit,  and  here  the  miraculous is  evident  not  only  in  the  dry  rod  showing life,  but  in  the  three  stages  being  present  at  the same  time.  The  rod  was  preserved  as  a  token against  the  rebels  (Numbers  17).  The  figurative  description of  the  old  man  in  Ecclesiastes  (ch. 12) takes  one  of  its  metaphors  from  this  tree.  The hoary  locks  of  age  suggest  the  whitish  blossom of  the  almond  clothing  the  leafless  branches.

Don't forget to drag the png. or jpg. into a Word Document and enlarge the image as much as possible before printing it folks. If you have a question about this coloring page, just type into the comment box located directly below this post and I'll try to get back to you as soon as I can.

Color the Reeds That Grow in The Bible Lands

With separate spikelet and flower.
Click to download the largest file.
Description of Botanical Coloring Page:  A Reed, The  usual  translation  of  kaneh,  a plant  which  grew  in  the  water  in  such  abundance, and  to  such  a  height,  that  the  hippopotamus could  conceal  itself  amongst  it  (Job  40.  21). The  stem  was  long  and  straight,  and  was  consequently used  for  many  purposes;  and  the  name was  transferred  to  the  objects  made  of  it,  as  to a  cane  (this  word  being  derived  from  the  Hebrew  kaneh,  a  measuring  rod  (Ezekiel  40: 3),  a beam  of  the  balance.  The  plant  is,  with  little doubt,  Arundo  donax  -  a  tall  grass  that  usually grows  in  or  near  water.  The  ancients  made  the shafts  of  their  arrows  of  this  grass,  and  used  it also  for  flutes  and  pipes.  The  kalamos.  or  reed, of  the  New  Testament  is  the  same  plant. Reeds (Heb. agham) in  Jer. 51:32, rendered "marshes"  in  the  margin  of  R.V., no doubt refers  to  the  tall  marsh  plants  or  reeds  that  afforded protection  to  the  defenders  of  the  fords.

Don't forget to drag the png. or jpg. into a Word Document and enlarge the image as much as possible before printing it folks. If you have a question about this coloring page, just type into the comment box located directly below this post and I'll try to get back to you as soon as I can.

Color The Pomegranate

Pomegranate. With  a  separate 
 fruit, and one  in  section. Click
to download the largest file.
Description of the Botanical Coloring Page: The pomegranate is one  of  the  favorite  fruits of  Egypt,  and  a  witness  of  the  goodness  of  the land  to  which  the  Jews  were  journeying  (Deuteronomy 8:  8).  It  was,  and  continues  to  be,  extensively cultivated  in  Palestine.  It  is  a  small  tree  from fifteen  to  twenty-five  feet  high,  with  oblong leaves,  scarlet  flowers,  and  round  fruit  the  size of  a  large  apple.    A  hard  rind  of  a  yellowish color  encloses  the  numerous  seeds,  which  are attached  to  a  white  membrane  that  is  extremely bitter.  Kach  seed  is  enclosed  in  a  cool,  delicious, red  pulp,  which  makes  the  pomegranate  a highly-valued  fruit  in  hot  countries.  The  hem of  the  high -priest's  robe  was  ornamented  with figures  of  pomegranates,  executed  in  blue, purple  and  scarlet,  and  alternating  with  golden bells  (Exodus 28: 33, 34).  The  pomegranate  was  employed for  the decorative  carving  on  the  capitals of  the  columns  of  the  porch  of  Solomon's  Temple (1  Kings  7: 18).  Rimmon,  the  Hebrew  word  for "pomegranate," is  found  in  the  names  of  several places  in  Palestine.

Don't forget to drag the png. or jpg into a Word Document and enlarge the image as much as possible before printing it folks. If you have a question about this coloring page, just type into the comment box located directly below this post and I'll try to get back to you as soon as I can.

Color the Fruit and Branches of The Olive Tree

The  wild  olive  (Rom.  11.  17)  yields  but  a 
and  inferior  fruit.  It  is  often  used  as
  a  stock 
on  which  to  engraft  the  better 
kinds. Click directly on the image to
download the largest file.
Description of Botanical Coloring Page: The olive  frequently  mentioned  in  Scripture,  is Still  extensively  cultivated  in  Palestine  because of  its  valuable  fruit.  The  olive  is  a  small  tree, seldom  being  more  than  twenty  feet  high.  It has  oblong  smooth  leaves,  which  are  whitish  underneath, and  small  white  flowers,  and  a  pulpy fruit  containing  a  hard  stone.  The  valuable  oil is  expressed  from  the  fruit.  The  tree  is  very slow  in  growth,  and  the  wood  is  finely  grained, of  a  rich  amber  color,  beautifully  clouded  and veined.  The  two  golden  cherubim  on  the  ark  of the  covenant  in  the  Temple  (1  Kings  6.  2.S),  the doors  of  the  oracle  (ver.  31)  and  the  doorposts of  the  Temple  were  made  of  it  (ver.  33).
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Color Abraham's Oak

Branch  of  "Abraham's  Oak." Click
directly on the image to download the 
largest file.

Description of The Botanical Coloring Page: The  famous  oak  at Mamre,  near  Hebron,  called  "Abraham's  Oak," which  occupies,  according  to  tradition,  the  site of  the  oak  under  which  Abraham  pitched  his tent  on  his  return  from  Egypt,  and  where  he  received the  heavenly  visitors  (Gen.  13:  18; 14. 13; 18. 1),  belongs  to  the  species  Quercus pseudo-coc-cifera. This  was  until  lately  a  vigorous  tree,  with wide-spreading  branches,  "but  now  little  is  left save  the  three  dead  trunks. (1896)

Don't forget to drag the png. or jpg. into a Word Document and enlarge the image as much as possible before printing it folks. If you have a question about this coloring page, just type into the comment box located directly below this post and I'll try to get back to you as soon as I can.