- "Be ye kind one to another." Ephesians . 4:32
- "Be kindly affectioned one to another." Romans 12:10
- "Bear ye oneanother's burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ." Galatians 6: 2
Or you may think that you are too young to help others with their problems? But no one on earth can truly say they can do nothing; and although not everyone has the same opportunities or responsibilities. We all have some ability to help resolve hardships and sooth the burdens of others. We will be expected to explain ourselves before God concerning our handling of these hardships/burdens someday.
Do you remember the beautiful parable in the Bible of the ten talents? Our Lord reproached the servant who had not improved his one talent. Just so it is with you; very young and weak, you may be, and not able to do much, but there is usually something small you can and ought to do for others.
Even a kind word to one in pain, a little classmate helped in a difficult lesson, or a baby brother or sister amused while mother rests, is a help to another that will not be forgotten by Jesus who has said, that a cup of cold water, given in His name, shall not lose its reward. Pray earnestly today that God will make you more like Jesus, who pleased not Himself alone, but went about doing good for those who needed Him desperately.
2. Does the Bible command this?
3. Should you be kind to everyone?
4. Is God kind to everyone?
5. Is God kind to the wicked?
6. Is God kind to the poor?